Statistics have shown that whenever I use the word “porn” or the word “boobies” in a title, multitudes of traffic will follow.
And I don’t do it for traffic’s sake.
I do it for the message.
About a month ago, my friend Mike Foster (co-founder of and Deadly Viper ninja) and I spoke at Community Christian Church in Chicago to about 600 high schoolers & junior high students (AND their parents….) about porn, sex, and we even threw out words like “homoeroticism” and “masturbation” and “boobs”…and there may have been talk about cows mating as well.
CCC has made this video available online and I’d love for you to check it out – just click the image below to go to it.
At the same time, I want you to know that both Mike and I are VERY passionate about discussing these issues within the church…whether it is within a StuCo setting, college, or yes, even adults, God has wired us to discuss the freedom that comes from healthy sexuality.
Now, on to the show…
14 responses to “The Mike Foster & Anne Jackson Porn Show”
Very cool. Met Mike for the first time at Q. Are you two going to take this show on the road? Would love to get you into our local High School for an assembly.
Wow, with all those words in there you’ll likely get a huge amount of (albiet brief) traffic :D
Hope the server doesn’t asplode.
Love the XXXchurch’s ministry, very inspiring work. Please keep up all the good work y’all.
Blessings from NZ
Dan Kyles?s last blog post..Inspiration
Wow, wasn’t expecting your site to grab my last post :D
Nifty feature, I initially thought it was an auto tag or something, lol.
@Dan – it’s sneaky like that.
@Cecil – feel free to have whoever is in charge email me.
i wanna come.
Crystal Renaud?s last blog post..A Good Old Fashioned Roll Call
Mike rocks.
dewde?s last blog post..How To Surprise Your Mom On Mother?s Day
So I’m watching the video now and I want to comment on the Homoeroticism topic. I am in agreement that guys can get into that stuff as a natural progression from a heterosexual porn addiction. But sometimes heterosexual teens get into gay porn via other avenues.
I ran a site for teens that struggle with pornography ( and I noticed a common progression for some of the guys that struggle with same-gender attraction and come from ultra-conservative families. Many have showed up over the years and described the same backstory.
* My parents are really religious and we don’t talk about sex in our house very often, but my dad did tell me not to look at naked women.
* I genuinely tried to stay away from porn on the Internet but one night I discovered pics/videos of 2 guys having sex. I had never seen anything like it. I kept watching it and it made me feel aroused.
* At school in the locker room all the guys walk around naked. So I figured, you know, guys looking at naked guys must not be a sin or anything. No big deal, right?
* I figured that watching gay porn was safer/better than watching heterosexual porn because it’s not a sin for guys to look at naked guys. Watching gay sex made me feel good so I started doing it more often.
* Now it’s what I prefer and I have these thoughts about some of my guy friends. I’m not really tempted to look at heterosexual porn anymore.
Now, I’m not trying to say this is a rampant problem. How the heck should I know. I write software, I’m neither a sociologist nor a psychologist. What I would love for parents to take away is this:
Whatever it is you are too afraid or too busy or too lazy to talk to your kids about… leaves a gap. And those gaps will be filled. If they aren’t filled by *you*, they will be filled by someone else. Your teen’s peers, or YouTube, or a pornographer looking to make a buck and build an addiction (revenue stream), or as in my example above, their own wild imaginations.
Talk to your kids, people. Build a bridge of trust. Be a good listener. Find answers here:
dewde?s last blog post..How To Surprise Your Mom On Mother?s Day
Once you and Mike have smoke machines…then I will come out to it.
In all seriousness…glad you two are out there doing this. Such a huge and important issue. I would venture to say that issues of sexuality is one of the primary pieces in all of the therapy I do with others.
Rhett Smith?s last blog post..Suburban Spirituality: Being a Good Steward of Your Finances
Adding this to FB, DIGG and Twitter now! Way to go!
Melinda?s last blog post..Homothumadon
You guys did an amazing job with that. I predict this ministry will explode in the near future.
Cindy?s last blog post..Seeing God Through Forgiveness…
Thank you Anne for this. This is important stuff. I’m going to have my daughter watch this as ‘homework’ as soon as she gets home from school. Thank you.
CindyK?s last blog post..My Prayer
YOU GUYS FREAKING ROCK!!!! Thank you for such a rad ministry reaching teens in such a relevant way. Okay, so I can’t download this video because I have bandwidth issues, but can you maybe put this and whatever other video of you doing fun stuff on a disk and mail it to me? Pretty please? I will be your bff and swap you tea or something if you do it. No, not that, the video – Silly.
kristiapplesauce?s last blog post..Vulnerable
I’ll confess, when I first saw this title I thought “Well, Anne’s left me behind this time.” But then I got thinking about the continual stream of 15-and-16-year old girls who’ve worked for my two youngest kids (who manage the two Subways here), who’ve gotten pregnant (often on “party nights” drinking and doing drugs with high school friends). So I told my daughter (Yvette) what you wrote. She instantly answered “That’s exactly what this town needs!”
No, the churches here don’t see it that way. Except for one or two small ones, they won’t even support having youth rallies. Sad, but true. For that matter, even the largest churches here probably are much too small to be able to have you guys come out in person, even if they did want to.
But I was glad you said CCC had tapes available. We’ll pass that word on to friends of ours at the two churches that might be interested (one of whom, a lady pastor, works a lot with kids from the jail and juvenile hall). And if you have any ways to make that tape more widely available, do it.
Some years ago there was a best-selling book called “Reality Therapy,” written by Dr. William Glasser. At its heart was the idea that all people have two needs: the need to love and be loved, and the need to feel self-worth.
I met him once, not at a speech, but of all places, in the back of a shared taxi on the way to the Vancouver, British Columbia airport. We were leaving on the same plane, so we sat together and talked in the airport and on the flight. Knowing I was a librarian, he asked me “Do you know why I write books?” And he said “I write so I can reach more people than I can by going around speaking.”
Get the idea? That could be true of your tapes vs your personal appearances too. Bill didn’t stop speaking; in fact, he was coming home from giving a speech in Calgary. His speeches did reach people, but his books reached more. (For you, read “books and tapes.”
Blessings. Keep it up.
anne, thank you for this. really.