OCD or Last Minute?

By now, most of you know my pastor-boss-friend Pete and I are going on a trip to Kolkata (Calcutta), India with Compassion. We leave on Friday and will both be sharing some more about that soon.

However, we were talking yesterday about packing. I told him I was going to start packing last night, and would probably be finished (sans some toiletries) by tonight.

That’s just how I roll.

I use packing cubes and organizers and have backup toothbrushes and a color coded spreadsheet of everything I need, what day I’ll wear what, and pack them in reverse order of need (so I’ll have the things I need first at the top). When I get to the hotel I unpack EVERYTHING and put my suitcases away.

Pete said he’ll start packing a few hours before we leave.


Some may find my habits a little bit compulsive in nature. All I know is I’ll sleep easy the rest of the week knowing I’m ready to go.

Which are you? An OCD packer…or…a last minute packer?



51 responses to “OCD or Last Minute?”

  1. Joni Ruhs Avatar

    OCD. Even for an overnighter.

    Joni Ruhs?s last blog post..The ultimate volunteer

  2. Steven Avatar

    Well. I mean. Come on. We’re men.

    Pete will probably just throw a stack of shorts and t-shirts in a suitcase. Grab all the underwear and socks out of his drawer and a pair of tennis shoes. He will walk in the bathroom, throw his deodorant, toothpaste, and hair essentials in another small bag and consider himself packed.

    That takes like 20 minutes, tops.

    Steven?s last blog post..I was talking to my therapist this morning and disclosed with him my anxiety and how it just…

  3. Janel Avatar

    Last minute. All the time. Always forget something. Wish I was a little more OCD about it.

    Have a safe and blessed trip, Anne!

    Janel?s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Roses are Dead

  4. Joey Avatar

    Anne, I wanted to make sure that you were ok from yesterday’s post about who you followed and so on. I felt that you may have been pelted by many of “us’ that don’t understand the “following” thing. I don’t know you personaly, but I think that you have something to say as a sister in Christ. When you speak, expect that someone is listening and would like to speak back. I read through the comments and there was some heart felt stuff there, simply asking for a reach back. John Maxwell says it like this, “No one wants to know how much you know, till they know how much you care.” There is a world out there in need, and I know that you know that, just reach back from time to time from the multitiude that throngs you…:) I know that Pete is busy too….I really think that technology has opened accessibility to ministers directly when over the last generation ministers have lived a shelterd life from the rest of the body. That observation comes from serving within the ministry for 13 years. I would love to hear your thoughts back. Have a blessed day Anne!

    Joey?s last blog post..Impressions Of The Master Printer

  5. steve Dunham Avatar

    totally last minute! :)

  6. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Joey – when someone speaks to me (using @flowerdust) I will more than likely always reply. If you check out my main twitter page and look through my history, I think you will see that. Thanks.

  7. Brad Avatar

    Wow. I’ve never heard of such a thing as packing in reverse order, and having spreadsheets. I have a feeling that a psychology class could spend a week on that one :). I’m definitely a last minute type of guy, and I always pack too much stuff. I honestly wish I was a little more OCD about it.

    Brad?s last blog post..This made me laugh

  8. Josh DeVine Avatar

    Last-minute… which is funny since the rest of my life is terribly OCD. In a dream world, I’d be the guy with a flowchart, Excel spreadsheet and a checklist. But, life gets in the way and I’m packing hours before the flight out. That might explain why I consistently forget to pack the deodorant.

  9. Heidi Reed Avatar

    OCD all the way. I start packing as soon as I start planning. I’m with you, girl.

    Heidi Reed?s last blog post..sometimes i want to quit

  10. david Avatar

    you may need some counseling
    i thought i was last minute.. until i started going on trips with a friend.. he typically packs using plastic kroger bags – one pair of shorts, boxers, t-shirt for each day and a toothbrush – nothing else

  11. bill (cycleguy) Avatar

    Can I be somewhere in the middle? I am not OC about it nor am I a “wait until the last minute” type of person. If I know I am going somewhere that requires packing some stuff (briefcase or luggage) I will put stuff by it or in it as the time for serious packing draws closer so that I don’t forget (trust me when I say that when you get older…). As for the backups and flowcharts and color-coded spreadsheets, I don’t even do that in my day to day life. :)

    bill (cycleguy)?s last blog post..Who Says He Can?t?

  12. Daniel Decker Avatar

    I think this may also be a male / female issue versus just an OCD / last minute issue. I’m a planner but when we go on family trips, I pack last minute mainly because I don’t need much. My wife brings the entire house but I just need a few things.

  13. Beth K. Vogt Avatar

    Wish I wasn’t, but I am a last-minute packer, which means I get on the plane way-too tired!

  14. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    all comes down to where i am going… if i know a Target will be nearby and will have time for pit stops, i pack pretty last minute. if not, i make excel spreadsheets and pack for a few days prior to leaving.

  15. Tim Bailey Avatar

    I don’t have enough clothes to worry about packing. Pretty much go naked until both outfits are out of the dryer, then put one on and throw the other in the ol’ carry-on roller 5 minutes before departure. People will usually give you some clean clothes after you wear the same outfit in a hot third world country for more than 3 days. I dare you.

    Tim Bailey?s last blog post..In The Loop or Loopy?

  16. Nate Avatar

    Always last minute. I wish I could change, but I’m too lazy to. :-/

  17. Josh Brickey Avatar

    I definitely wait until the very last minute. I actually missed a flight for a friend’s wedding once because it took me too long to get my stuff together. Luckily, I was able to get on a later flight.

    Josh Brickey?s last blog post..A Hilarious April Fool?s Day Joke?.

  18. DaveAllen Avatar

    I start with the socks and go up–one pair for each day, colored if there’s anything formal; then go to drawers, pants, shirts, a few extra of everything just in case. I usually do it the night before. My wife and daughter spend two days, takes me 20 minutes for a 7 day trip. Organized, but not compulsively so. Usually what I forget is toiletries so I’ve learned to keep a shaving kit packed with all necessary items.

  19. Jeremy Keegan Avatar

    Absolutely last minute, married to an OCD. When we go on vacation, and are leaving on a Saturday morning, she starts packing on Monday. I start Friday night around 9.

    Jeremy Keegan?s last blog post..Failing Again

  20. Lynse Leanne Avatar

    OCD. I make spread sheets and lists and then pack and then unpack and repack several times because I fear leaving something i need. I pack in Ziploc bags that are labeled as to what are in them with a dryer sheet in them. If my bag gets wet my clothes dont get wet. and there is nothing worse on a trip, especially on missions as smelling bad….so dryer sheets keep my clothes fresh.

    Lynse Leanne?s last blog post..Work email

  21. Lindsey Nobles Avatar

    I am a last minute packer, although I start dreading the packing experience about a week before I leave, and then I throw WAY TOO MANY CLOTHES in my WAY TOO LARGE SUITCASE. I never unpack while on the vacation, just pull out what I need, when I need it. And once home, I procrastinate for about 5 days before I unpack. I have issues, serious issues.

    Lindsey Nobles?s last blog post..The Story Oprah Didn?t Tell?

  22. Marysol Avatar

    I’m right there with you Anne, so OCD.

    It stresses me out just to think about Pete (who I don’t know) packing last minute.


  23. Alison Avatar

    For a trip to India…I’d probably be OCD. It’s not like you can run to Wal-Mart and get what you forgot. Anywhere I go where I could stop and buy something I forgot…I don’t worry so much about it.

    Alison?s last blog post..American Idol Goes Disco

  24. Lex Avatar

    Completely last minute. I’ve been to India twice. Packed the day before. All the students think it’s amazing that I get everything for two weeks in a small duffel bag (and my messenger/carry-on, of course). :)

    Lex?s last blog post..And to the angel of the Church in Sardis ?

  25. brandon Avatar

    More OCD than not, going to the orange conference next week with our youth minister (I am the children’s minster) I booked the conference and hotel 6 months ago. I got all the approval to spend money from appropriate committees. He forgets when we are leaving and asked me fi we shoudl decide where we are staying. This will be a “fun” trip.

  26. Stephanie W. Avatar

    How funny! I lean more toward last minute packer, but I can definitely appreciate an OCD organized approach.

  27. John Ireland Avatar
    John Ireland

    not as organized, but definitely skew toward your end of the spectrum. :)

    example: Joy and I head to St. Pete Beach, FL tomorrow for a four-day retreat. we finished most of our packing last night. we also do the unpacking/nesting deal when we reach a destination unless the stay is only for one night.

    will be praying for you!

  28. Stephanie Avatar

    I am totally a last-minute girl! I usually pack an hour or so before I have to leave. I really do wish that I could be more OCD about it though…I might forget less!

    Stephanie?s last blog post..Childbirth Class: Week Two

  29. David Norman Avatar

    i’m the worst of the worst… an OCD last-minute packer.

    David Norman?s last blog post..The Biggest Loser

  30. Texas in Africa Avatar

    Last minute. But I travel to the developing world frequently and have a lot of things ready to go at all times. Also, I pack light because you really don’t need that much stuff. You can buy toothpaste in any city anywhere in the world if you need to.

    Texas in Africa?s last blog post..dancing for votes

  31. Anne Jackson Avatar

    You guys are hilarious.

    I have learned the keep the extra toiletries ready routine…and do that…with the exception of all my hair product. It’s too expensive to keep 2 laying around, so those are the things that will go in the bag last.

  32. Michael Levitt Avatar
    Michael Levitt

    Definitely OCD. I’ve always been that way, even as a kid. I used to go over to my cousins and clean up their rooms, when I was 5. My wife is the exact opposite. Last minute with everything. I’ve learned a lot from her, and she’s such a blessing to me, and our family. Still wish she wouldn’t wait until the last minute though ;-)

  33. Tad Avatar

    My wife Robin is one of your team members going to India. While she does fine on the packing thing, please pass some of your OCD tendencies on to her. The whole color coded spreadsheet thing….wow…. you are speaking my language. I haven’t been able to teach her that language…maybe you can help!

  34. Texas in Africa Avatar

    Wait, I’m a little confused. If you’re going to unpack everything when you get there anyway, why pack outfits in reverse order so the one you need first is on top?

    Texas in Africa?s last blog post..dancing for votes

  35. Jack Hays Avatar

    I’m a little of both. Honestly, it depends on the situation. For India I’d be on your side! And I’m not hatin’ on Pete, but since he couldn’t get his shots earlier today ….

    Jack Hays?s last blog post..Please Pray for Kathy Isaacs!

  36. Fay Avatar

    I’m an OCD-last-minute packer. I try to organize everything the night before and I usually never sleep before a flight. Sad, but I’m working on it.

    Fay?s last blog post..magnificent

  37. Michael Raburn Avatar

    I would be somewhere between OCD and last minute on the packing continuum. I basically count the number of days I’m going to be gone, then hand write a list and stack up on the bed:
    – underwear and socks: number of days +1 (but less socks if I’m taking my sandals, which have actually become my go to shoes for air travel because of the security process; this does leave me walking through the airport for a few minutes barefooted, which gives my wife Amy quite a twitch, but I digress)
    – shirts: number of days
    – undershirts: for as many shirts above that require them (unless some shirts above are tees that can double as undershirts)
    – pants/shorts: just enough to match all the shirts; this should never exceed 1/2 the number of shirts
    – shoes: the absolute minimum allowable (less if Amy is not going with me; she makes me match better than I want to bother with)
    – belt (one all purpose)
    – toiletries: here I make a separate list, thinking through the getting ready process and making sure I have all the needed chemicals. I agree with another poster here in that if it is a short trip (and I’m not checking a bag) I will intentionally leave stuff out here and just buy it (or get the hotel comp stuff) when I get there. The less security drama, the better.
    Btw, just found your blog Anne yesterday. I like it. Have the book on order from amazon. Amy and I are both in need of it. Thanks, keep it up, and have a safe and blessed time in India.

  38. Jason Avatar

    Very OCD. Thanks for the spread sheet idea! Married to a very last minute packer. An India trip would have me planning for a month.

    Jason?s last blog post..Susan Roesgen

  39. Brenda Avatar

    How funny… I almost wrote about this same subject a few weeks ago when my son packed for a trip to London. He threw a few things together just hours before he left the house. I broke out into a cold sweat just thinking about it.

    I lean more towards the OCD side, but I’d have to admit I did say, “wow”, when I read how you actually fill the suitcase in the order you’re going to wear the outfit. I’m taking notes for my next trip. For some reason I’m uncomfortable unpacking everything from my suitcase. I’d rather leave all clothing in, but I put toiletries in the bathroom. And it’s annoying if the bathroom is so tiny that there isn’t enough counter space for all of my beauty supplies!

    How exciting about your India trip!

    Brenda?s last blog post..Earth Day Hoopla

  40. Karin Avatar

    My husband and I are both last minute packers. BUT, he literaly takes 3x’s as much stuff as I do. Last trip to Florida – Me 1 large duffel bag, Him 1 rolling suitcase (not large), 2 duffel bags (1 large, 1 small) Drives me crazy because he never wears everything and always says afterwards that he packed too much and he shouldn’t have brought so much. I take about 30 minutes to pack for a 7 to 9 day trip, he takes about an hour and a half.

  41. katdish Avatar

    Well, hello there Anne Jackson!

    For Pete to say that he is a last minute packer? Well, that depends on how much his wife is pre-packing for him. My husband travels all the time and he’s super efficient. I think he could fit an elephant into his suitcase – it’s all how you fold it (so I’m told).

    Me? Pathetic last minute packer. My trip to Atlanta was the first time I’ve flown since they started charging extra for checked baggage. I probably would not have been so generous with the Snuggies had I known (not really).

    Traveling tip: I always chew pepto bismol tablets when I travel where the water sources are questionable. They turn your tongue black, but they help combat frequent trips to the bathroom. Sorry – TMI? That’s how I roll.

    katdish?s last blog post..The Peter Principle

  42. Kara-Kae James Avatar

    I’m totally with you. OCD all the way! We’re going to Israel in a few weeks and you better believe I’m gonna spread sheet it, color coordinate it and have it alllllll planned out in advance. My husband would rather pack the morning we leave. That just hurts my heart.

    Kara-Kae James?s last blog post..i?m not artistic

  43. amaris Avatar

    please pack me : )

  44. Pete Wilson Avatar

    You have issues. :)

  45. Keith Jennings Avatar

    You are a Myers-Briggs “J” no doubt. I’m a Myers-Briggs “P” (INFP to be exact), which as you know makes me an introverted Kerouacian (?) mystic whose driven by nature or God or something to pack spontaneously. However, I’m married to a “J” gal and have found myself shifting toward the middle (I now hand write a list last minute). So metaphorical that middle. Safe travels.

    Keith Jennings?s last blog post..The 7 Phases of Cool

  46. Kristen Pace Avatar

    I packed for my 6-month mission excursion to Cambodia the night before I left. I had to get up at 6:00 a.m. to make it to Atlanta on time for my flight. Next Saturday completes my term here in Cambodia, and my flight back home leaves that night at 11:30 p.m. I most likely won’t pack until Saturday afternoon. It’s safe to say I am probably a last second packer. :)

    Kristen Pace?s last blog post..mapquest fails me

  47. Alice Wassam Avatar
    Alice Wassam

    I am TOTAL OCD on the packing thing and it is SO nice to find out that there are more of “me” out there. I am going to Belize June 1, and already this is a tidy pile of clothes/stuff to take that has taken up residence on a shelf in my closet. But let me ask, what is your theory on how many pairs of undies (too personal?). I have lived by the rule, since my freshman year in high school, that you take 1 for each day you’re gone and 1 EXTRA pair for every 3 days you’re gone, because you never know when you’re going to be thrown into the water. Seriously.

  48. Graham Avatar

    I’m somewhere in between… although I tend to be more last minute. But that’s only because I have everything organized all the time… so it’s easy for me to grab what I’ll need for whatever adventure I’m going on…

    Have a safe trip!

    Graham?s last blog post..Now That?s Worth Repeating [Israel Houghton – Just Wanna Say]

  49. Stina Avatar

    What’s a packing cube?

    I’m somewhere in the middle but more last-minute than OCD. I also make a list and try to guess what I’ll wear when, and I definitely plan which shoes go with each outfit, but then I wait until the night before or sometimes the morning of to go through my room and grab everything off the list and stuff it in the suitcase. The list is really important though! One time I packed way in advance but didn’t use a list, and I got to my destination and had forgotten pretty much everything important. It was a disaster.

  50. sophie Avatar

    what does OCD stands for.. thanks guys for helping :)

  51. sophie Avatar

    what does OCD stands for..thanks for explaining.. i really appreaciate it…
    thanks guys for helping :)