Welcome Back

So, it’s April 13.

The end of Lent, and the conclusion of my social media fast from blogging, Twitter, and Facebook.

What can I say? It’s honestly been a very refreshing few weeks. My perspective on blogging and online networking continues to shift, and even though I’m “back,” so to speak, I’m not really quite sure what being “back” means.

Something you will notice is the new blog design (RSS friends, click here to check it out). This is something I’m very excited about. When you visit the home page of FlowerDust.net, you’ll see a feature in the header.? Currently, it’s focused on the trip I’ll be taking to Kolkata (Calcutta), India, in two weeks with Compassion International.? This feature will change at times to help elevate causes or gifts that I think would be valuable to you.

There’s a little more information included in this new design, which can all be found in the header – information about where I’m speaking, some new services I’m offering, and an always-changing list of recommended resources.

Some other cosmetic changes are using gravatars – because you guys are so darn attractive – and easier ways to share the conversations by using the Tweet This plugin at the bottom of the post.? You’ll also notice the Comment Luv feature when you leave a comment, because we’d all like to know what’s on your mind.

Even with all of the changes, you shouldn’t need to resubscribe to my blog. But in case you haven’t yet, or if you want to make sure you’re subscribed, you can simply click here to sign up for an RSS feed or an email subscription.

I’m excited to see how the relationships on this blog will continue to grow and how we can keep learning from each other.

It’s clean. It’s simple. And hopefully easy to use. If there’s something that looks weird to you, or a feature you’d like to see added, feel free to let me know.


74 responses to “Welcome Back”

  1. Rodney Olsen Avatar

    Who are you again?

    Welcome back. Since you last blogged I got my copy of Mad Church Disease. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet but looking forward to it. (We alos need to set up a time for me to record a radio interview with you to spread the word down under.)

    Rodney Olsen?s last blog post..Sex, Children and Purity

  2. Gina Avatar

    Welcome back! You were missed.

    Excited to hear more about what God is doing in your life.

    Gina?s last blog post..Create a Rhythm

  3. Molly Avatar

    Yes, you were missed.
    Love the new design.

    Looking forward to reading about India!

    Molly?s last blog post..Be Alert!

  4. Shawn Avatar

    Welcome Back Anne! The new design is awesome…also, nice updated photo of yourself…you look like a fresh bowl of sunshine, as usual!

  5. Matt @ The Church of No People Avatar

    Been reading up on your past posts and looking forward to your return. Welcome back!

    Matt @ The Church of No People?s last blog post..Jesus, huh? Well, See You Later!

  6. cameyg Avatar

    Great look on the blog! Looking forward to hearing more of your heart!

    cameyg?s last blog post..They Can’t Teach That At Seminary

  7. Monica Avatar

    welcome back! the new design looks great

    Monica?s last blog post..The Easter Bunny exposed!

  8. CindyK Avatar

    Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your respite, onward and upward!

    CindyK?s last blog post..Can’t we all just be friends???!!!????!1?!!1

  9. Amy Avatar

    Good to have you back, Anne!

  10. lisa Avatar

    Welcome back, sistuh! so glad u r back1 i’ve missed u. u look great as does ur blog!

    lisa?s last blog post..The Calm After the Storm!!!

  11. steph Avatar

    Welcome back! I’m excited to read about your renewed perspective. :) Thanks for having the courage to do the difficult things.

  12. Dan King Avatar

    It’s good to see you back again! I really like the new look too! You rock Anne!

    Dan King?s last blog post..an escape from poverty

  13. kristy Avatar

    Good to have you back Anne. Looking forward to your India trip.

    kristy?s last blog post..Ricky?s Camera

  14. Daniel Decker Avatar

    Welcome back. Missed ya.

    Daniel Decker?s last blog post..Don?t let the world change you?

  15. Andy Darnell Avatar

    Glad to see you back.

    Andy Darnell?s last blog post..What color is your Snot?

  16. jake miller Avatar

    welcome back, anne! love the new design. just got my copy (finally) of mad church disease… looking forward to diving in.

    jake miller?s last blog post..easter sunday thoughts

  17. jonathan Avatar

    Welcome Back!

  18. Shannon Avatar

    Hello, dear–welcome back. Good to “hear” your voice again. Eager to hear what all you have to share with us.

    Shannon?s last blog post..Indeed

  19. Shannon Avatar

    P.S. Love the subheader. LOL.

    Shannon?s last blog post..Indeed

  20. Daniel Decker Avatar

    Also… I LOVE the descriptive tag of you from your bio: “transformational activist”

    Daniel Decker?s last blog post..Don?t let the world change you?

  21. Brad Ruggles Avatar

    Welcome back Anne! We’ve missed you! The blogging world just wasn’t the same without you.

    Love the new features and layout for your blog. Looks like you were a busy girl!

    Brad Ruggles?s last blog post..Spending Some Time In The Sun

  22. Westy | P H O T O N O M Y Avatar

    great to see you back and i like the new design… ill be following the india trip

    Westy | P H O T O N O M Y?s last blog post..Poor photocopier

  23. Amber@theRunaMuck Avatar

    I’m really glad you’re back. I look forward to seeing how you’re led from here.

    Amber@theRunaMuck?s last blog post..kingdom-first: on love and lust

  24. kristiapplesauce Avatar

    Totally praying for your continued journey.

    kristiapplesauce?s last blog post..Woman of dignity

  25. Joni Ruhs Avatar

    Welcome back. I’m excited to follow your India trip. I was heartbroken to hear that the kids from Slumdog Millionaire who were in gowns and tuxes at the Oscars, returned home back into the slums. Bon Voyage

    Joni Ruhs?s last blog post..The ultimate volunteer

  26. Janel Avatar

    Welcome Back, Anne! I’m glad it was a restful time for you!

    I just finished Mad Church Disease and passed it along to a few in my church. It has been ever so helpful for me. I’ve been setting boundaries all over the place and even went on a diet and back to the gym! I don’t want to give up on ministry but I sure needed to make sure it was in the right place in my life.

    Love the new design and can’t wait to read about your trip to India. I have a friend who just got back – life changing experience for her. Her photos of the people are just beautiful.

    Janel?s last blog post..He’s Alive!

  27. John Ireland Avatar

    probably will write something after i read the post, but wanted to say WELCOME BACK!!! you were missed, friend. :)

  28. CindyK Avatar

    WOW! Anne, I just read your ‘about’ page. All I can say is that I love you! Life sure is messy – mine sure was.

    Thank you for not being afraid to muck about in the mud. It can’t stick to us any more, but we can clean it up if we try!!!

    Thank you for your utter transparency!

    CindyK?s last blog post..Can’t we all just be friends???!!!????!1?!!1

  29. John Ireland Avatar

    OK, this is the comment-after-reading-today’s-post. ;) no matter what being “back” turns out to be, i have no doubt that this touchpoint of connection will be valuable, challenging, and fun.


  30. Jeff Goins Avatar

    i like the new look, anne… especially the featured update section.

  31. Vera Avatar

    Welcome back! I’ve taken a few social media hiatuses (is that the plural??) myself lately, and I agree it’s a good way to focus from time to time…but it’s always nice to come back too :)

    Vera?s last blog post..He Is Risen

  32. Fred McKinnon Avatar

    welcome back, Anne –

    Finally got my copy of Mad Church Disease, hope to jump into it this week!

    Fred McKinnon?s last blog post..Sunday Setlists #38 – Easter Encounters #sundaysetlists

  33. Evan Avatar

    Welcome back. Wow! Good job at doing at what you said you’d do. Most peopple couldn’t do it! :-)

    Evan?s last blog post..A man should learn to detect?

  34. Faye Avatar

    Welcome back, Anne. Your insight and challenges have been missed. In the meantime I’ve been reading MCD — although I have laid it down a couple times because the words are too much — too convicting. Then I go back. I think it’s time again.

    One word, when Pete points out your sign-spinning talent…. remind him of his roof caper….

    Faye?s last blog post..hiking

  35. Faith Dwight Avatar

    Anne – Love the new design and welcome back. Looking forward to reading about what God has shown you during your fast.

    Faith Dwight?s last blog post..Pedal to the metal

  36. David Avatar

    Great to have you back Anne. I look forward to the next chapter of FlowerDust.net

    And, has that copy of MCD which was winging it’s way to Australia caught its flight ? Just checking if I should be looking out for it yet or not :)

    David?s last blog post..Worship : Easter Weekend

  37. Melissa Avatar

    HI Anne. Welcome back!

    Melissa?s last blog post..Fresh

  38. Kyle Chowning Avatar

    Welcome back Anne. Looking forward to your refreshed perspective on here. Also, I love the white space, simplicity and overall look to your blog. You’ve got a gift!

    Kyle Chowning?s last blog post..Your business card sucks!

  39. Alli Worthington ( @alliworthington ) Avatar

    Love the new look.

    I missed you over Lent!

    Welcome back.


  40. Heather Avatar

    YAY! You are back!! I saw you at church yesterday and meant to stop and say “hi”, but you looked pretty busy. Nex time I will be sure to grab ya!. Glad you are back and looking forward to getting together when you get back from India.

  41. Rachel L. Richard Avatar

    YES! She’s baaaaaaack! :)

    Rachel L. Richard?s last blog post..You Stink Of Hope

  42. kim Avatar

    Good to hear from you again. Really like the new design!

  43. Jason Salamun Avatar

    Welcome back Anne. Glad to have your honest perspective on life back online.

    Jason Salamun?s last blog post..Jesus, Sin, and the Cross

  44. joseph Avatar

    Nice new design Anne and welcome back.

    Cannot wait to hear about your upcoming trip….favor though

    Please take of dear Angie on the trip….her fear of flying combined with Pete and a Flip video camera might not pair well :)

    joseph?s last blog post..and you favorite thing is?

  45. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Thanks everyone. It is so glad to be back and to see your lovely faces!

  46. Brooke Avatar

    Yay!! So glad you’re back!! The new design is awesome too!! :-)

    Brooke?s last blog post..Spring is in the air?

  47. Mary Avatar

    Just came over from Twitter. So glad that I did. Read the sample chapter and was blown away. The pain continues long after the dust as settled.
    Thanks for writing it.

    And welcome back. Hope you loved your time away

    Mary?s last blog post..God is and I?m not

  48. Sean Pritzkau Avatar

    Welcome back Anne! You were definitely missed from my reader and from tweetdeck! Very Anne-less. I’m glad the flower is back, and I don’t have too bad of allergies.

    So excited for your next trip! Thanks for caring about your readers!

    Sean Pritzkau?s last blog post..How Far Are We Willing to Go?

  49. Elora Ramirez Avatar

    love the look, Anne. especially love the emphasis on story. can’t wait to see what God does through you & to you in India!

    Elora Ramirez?s last blog post..and so it goes?

  50. Jim Gray Avatar

    Again,happy to see you back

    Jim Gray?s last blog post..Shaun King and Courageous Church

  51. Tyler Avatar

    The blogosphere has missed you Anne. Welcome back.

    Tyler?s last blog post..Americans Are Losing Faith

  52. Jeff Avatar

    Anne, just wanted to add my welcome back to the many you have already received.

    Jeff?s last blog post..?He is not here; he has risen?

  53. Jerry Sinclair Avatar


    I am glad you are back as well. Please keep writing about female porn/sex addcition. We are intrested in starting a support group for women in our city, but need a woman [like yourself] to step forward and help us get started.

    God bless,
    Jerry Sinclair,
    Faithful and True of Jacksonville, FL

  54. Blake Avatar

    Glad to see you back online. Let me know how those Crazy Love DVD’s are. I might get them myself.

    Blake?s last blog post..The house is quiet?

  55. stephen lechner Avatar

    welcome back.

    stephen lechner?s last blog post..Nobody Remembers

  56. Tommy Sircy Avatar

    Welcome back, Anne.

    Tommy Sircy?s last blog post..What is Cotton Britches Winter?

  57. roxanne kristina Avatar

    Thanks for the email update.
    I updated you on my blog link list.

    roxanne kristina?s last blog post..Blogging Break:

  58. Nate Avatar

    Glad you’re back! Can’t wait to read up on what’s going on! Gotta insert your blog back into my blog-reading schedule! ;-)

  59. Jenna Avatar

    Thanks for the email! That is so exciting you are going to India. Can’t wait to get the updates! Happy (day late) Easter!

    Jenna?s last blog post..Happ Easter!

  60. Rick Apperson Avatar

    Welcome back Anne. I missed reading your blog. I am thrilled though that you took the time away to refresh with God. I loved your book, it blessed and impacted me. Thanks again for the interview as well.

  61. Carole Turner Avatar

    Glad your back, however that looks. :-)

  62. Paul J. Avatar

    I thought I’d say “Welcome Back” here instead of on Twitter, cuz it seems like you’re having to tweet WAY too much thanking people for saying “Welcome Back”.
    Welcome back.

    Paul J.?s last blog post..Sunday Setlists – Easter Sunday – April 12, 2009

  63. Brenda Avatar

    Yay, you’re back. :)
    Looking forward to your trip to India. How exciting!

  64. Anne Jackson Avatar

    You guys are awesome, and thanks Paul :) Smart man.

  65. Marquis Crocker Avatar

    Welcome back.



    Marquis Crocker?s last blog post..Stations of the Cross

  66. Robbie Avatar

    Welcome Back! Been reading your book, Great!

    Robbie?s last blog post..Are we Packed and Ready this Easter?

  67. Sara Ross Avatar

    Hi Anne.
    I found your blog during Lent and have been looking forward to you writing again. I appreciate your openness and honesty in your “about” section. I have recently started a blog and I want to be real about sharing the pain and hope in my life

    Sara Ross?s last blog post..soon

  68. Susie A. Avatar

    Hey Anne! Welcome back….I have missed your blogs. Looking forward to reading your posts. I have enjoyed your perspectives in past posts….


    Susie A.?s last blog post..Life and Death….Do we really get it?

  69. Suraj Reddy Avatar

    Welcome back Anne!

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    God bless ‘_^

    Suraj Reddy?s last blog post..If you invited me to Church?

  70. Andy Wood Avatar

    Hey, love the new design. I’m a big fan of comment luv and WWSGD. I also like the feature element. Good stuff. Oh, and I’m enjoying and recommending the book.

    Andy Wood?s last blog post..Whose ?Building? Will Your Name Be On?

  71. Stephanie Avatar

    How brave of you to stop blogging/twittering/facebooking for 6 weeks. Tell us more about that experience – What did it teach you? Did you miss it? I’d love to hear about that…

    Oh, and welcome back to the wide, wild world of the blogosphere. :)

    Stephanie?s last blog post..Basic Supplies for Breastfeeding

  72. Marysol Avatar

    Anne, so excited to see that you kept your lent committment. Welcome back!

  73. Beautiful Intellectual Avatar

    YAY you’re back :)