good morning.

It might not be
The prettiest thing that you’ll ever see
But it?s a new day, oh baby, it?s a new day
And it might not look like
A beautiful sunrise
But it’s a new day, oh baby, it?s a new day

(Robbie Seay Band)


16 responses to “good morning.”

  1. Faith Avatar

    In the same spirit…

    ‘Your mercies are new every morning
    so let me wake with the dawn….’

  2. Carol Avatar

    Thanks Anne. A new day to start all over!

  3. Girl Gone Wild Avatar

    I love do-overs….

  4. Christa Avatar

    Great is His faithfulness!

  5. Terry Foester Avatar

    ‘and if you’re like me you need a hope, a coffee, a melody’

  6. Stacey Avatar

    Amen Sister!!

    How can you keep from singing!!

  7. JessG Avatar

    I needed that. Yesterday was just too long of a day. :)

  8. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    heck frickin’ yeah it is.

  9. Sarah Markley Avatar

    Thank you, Anne. And, I actually did see the sunrise today. =)

  10. chris g Avatar

    did you get the skitch invite?

  11. camey Avatar

    Good afternoon. Hopefully it is a beautiful one even if it might have thorns.

    You are loved.

  12. Rindy Avatar

    I read this early in the morning when it was dark and I could hear the rain pouring down, knowing it was to be a dreary day as the day before…but read this and thanked God. By midday, it was beautiful outside—yup, I needed the reminders! thanks!

  13. Erik Avatar

    thanks for the post… i am thankful for fresh starts… looking forward to mad church disease.

  14. krysta Avatar

    love this.

  15. Cheryl Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. I am so thankful for a new day. Thankful just for another day. God Bless!

  16. jimmy paravane Avatar

    When I was a lot younger and lived in Ocean Beach, I use to love to walk down to the beach at sunrise. The sun doesn’t rise on that side, but still, there is something about the “quiet”. It’s easier to hear some things in the silent expectation of the early morning.