i want to know how can i pray for YOU this week? how can WE (this community of bloggers) pray for you? just knowing we are all interceding on each others’ behalf is really, really cool. so…
what’s going on in your world that we can pray about for you?
55 responses to “prayer”
I use to warn aliens not to pray for me. I grew up in the deep southeast during the charismatic movement of the 60’s and 70’s. We got some pretty strange notions. I use to think that if you prayed for someone, you opened yourself up to spiritual attack by whatever forces oppressed the person you prayed for. After watching Craig’s first message on Supernatural, I realized you aliens come equipped for the battle. So I’ll ask. First, please pray for my wife. She goes in to see a neurologist today. She’s been having problems with memory loss and typing gibberish, among other symptoms. Also, if you could, please pray for me. I’m starting the job hunt once again. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Anne. Pray for wisdom and discernment in helping a family member with a gambling addiction. She even said her life is a “train wreck.” Wondering where she will get the next buck to put in those slot machines. I’ve put a lot of love in my sister with no regrets and I’m just grateful she made the call for help.
Pray for us (Crosspoint church) to gain wisdom at the Mountain Lake Church planters practicum hosted by shawn lovejoy and david putman
We need to improve our internal processes and procedures in order to retain and assimilate our guests better – and facilitate the growth of our people.
i’ve been sick a lot lately and have missed about half of the school year thus far. i was way behind in the first nine weeks and ended up flunking two of the most important classes. please pray that we’ll find out what’s wrong.
my family has also been going through hard times the past few years and if the stress from that is what’s making me sick, please pray that this stress decreases, if not die out. i have to mention that these crazy times are due to a church “thing” and that i am overjoyed that Mad Church Disease finally has a release date. i’m ready to have it in my hands.
i was dreading today, but this sure helps. thanks a billlion.
my wife and i are leaving for russia on saturday to visit the children we are adopting there. pray for a good trip, that our bodies wont be so beat up (its like a total of 15 hours on planes!) pray that we can bond with our kids and get a quick court date!!!!!
We’re having our student retreat this weekend. Pray that the student’s (and the adults helping) will have a life-changing encounter with Jesus! :)
On a similar note to Chris, Felicity and I are beginning to consider international adoption. It is not possible here in Egypt, but we feel God is leading us this way. Too many amazing “coincidences” to ignore. Pray that we find our way to the end of this road, and possibly to a child who needs a family.
I have some family members that really need prayer. My cousin’s daughter was expecting twins (in I believe February) and last Thursday they had to take the babies by emergency C-section. Both babies were in the 1lb range and one of them they found to have bleeding on the brain. Well they ended up losing her and now it appears the other baby has similar problems and is in critical condition. On top of this all there are other circumstances that has made this past week for this family excruciatingly difficult. So if you could pray for them I (and they I’m sure) would much appreciate it. Thank you for this post. It’s awesome to think that prayers from people all over the world are going up for them. Thanks again!
Just something I heard you knew a little about.
Church burnouttttttt
As we all do, I have a reallllly tight schedule. My body’s getting the beating.
Thanks for the prayers!
missions. clarity about my particular opportunity. whether or not it’s the right timing.
headaches and senioritis.
i’m getting migraines several times a week now. and headaches at least once a day. not good. so we’re doing a catscan, and i’m on this weird antidepressant that’s supposed to fix the headaches and makes me super groggy. which doesn’t help my lack of ambition to complete homework.
i love this idea anne. thanks for all your prayers, and know for the above comments that i’ll be praying too. (and below comments. just might not see those..)
Please pray for my hubby. :) He is in the last stages of interviewing for a job in ministry. I’m not sure when he interviews but it will probably be sometime this week. So here’s what I’m praying for: that Ian would do his very best. I know that God is already working on who is best for that position and what is best for Ian. But I know he just wants to do his very best at the interview. :)
The San Diego wildfires
My girlfriend and co worker just lost her home and horse.
Malibu Presb, church- I just blogged about this on my blog of this amazing story
ALL of the 8 fires in San Diego again and the winds to calm.
Thank you prayer warriors of the blog world in advance
much love
First, thank you so much for doing this. Would you please pray for my anxiety to go away. I have delt with it for years, and hate the meds so I am instead allowing God to transform me and remove this. It’s not easy but I know that God is in this. Again thank you!
We need direction! We know that God has called us to Adopt. We also know that God is calling us to move back and minister in a specific way in my wife’s home town…
Adopt then move… or move then adopt… That is the question!
life in general. we’re in a time of transition on many levels.
thanks anne for asking. you’ve all been lifted up!
i know that i am in a time of transition in all areas. just that God would lead me and give me clarity of where i am going and where i should go.
also, might be in a similar situation as Anne. just that God would give me wisdom of my involvement and peace if i need to be interviewed
it is so cool that the blogging world cares so much about people on the other side of the screen. many people i know think that the blogging thing is just so pointless….but there is purpose and life in this. i love it!
Very sweet of you!
We are planning on going to Africa to work with Orphan’s through Children’s Cup International Releif Organization in the spring. This is a life long dream come true so please pray for Gods guidance and provisions for this trip.
You rock!
We find out the gender (dangle or no-dangle) of future second child this afternoon! My wife’s mother was diagnosed with cancer last week – yikes! I’m trying to listen better to what God is I’m sure screaming at me to hear over all the nonsense that pollutes my life.
Operation Care Dallas, Inc. – we are preparing for Christmas Gift 2007 which is the largest Christmas Party for the homeless and needy in the nation. Last year 6,700 guests attended with 2,200 being children. Please pray that pastors will volunteer to help with one on one times with the guests. And pray for the hearts of those that will attend. We actually have some homeless that want to volunteer this year and give to others because of what they have been given. Pray that God will receive the glory for His great love and we volunteers will fade into the background.
And my family needs to sell our rent house. It is draining us.
Today is my 6 year anniversary at my job that I don’t want anymore. But I have a good friend that can’t find a job so I’m trying to keep perspective. But please pray that God would surprise me with the next step soon.
I’ll pray for you too Anne.
I praise God for blessing me with a great new job. I’m praying that we would be able to sell our house quickly and move quickly so that I can start the new job soon. Thanks Anne for doing this.
1. Financially – It’s going to be a tough week.
2. Inner Healing – Got burned twice in past 4 months by church.
3. Direction – God has ordained a great destiny for us and we are going to fulfill it.
Praying for you today.
Please pray for my sil in Iraq. His Marine unit has been finding IED’s and weapons stashes this week, making them think a major offensive is in the plans.
Everyone else–praying for your needs! I love it that we can “meet” each other and support one another this way.
what a comfort today to know that people are praying for others. pray that i could focus on the work i need to do this week at many things are distracting me. thanks anne!
For me and my oldest: Mental health, peace of mind, healing, cast out all fear
Tumblers to fall into place and open financial & vocational doors–and the wisdom or courage to walk through them
I have been struggling so much throughout this semester. I am usually a straight-A student and am on top of the things. But this, my second-to-last semester of college, has been so busy and I have been sick a lot with headaches and insomnia, and I feel like I keep failing at things and getting behind. I’ve already failed one test and I had to skip both of my classes this morning – again – because I had a horrible headache. I’ve also been struggling with depression and anxiety. While I am striving after joy and trust, it is helpful to know that others are praying for me as I continue to plug away!
Thanks for asking.
I have been struggling to find happiness in where i live, moving around to different cities, changing jobs, and in the process finding myself in a lot of debt. Going through a probably normal 26 year old’s life of making decisions and just trying to find a life, but i never know if i’m making decisions based on what i want or if they are what God wants. I want to move to Nashville (from my home in VT) in November and i ask that you pray God will provide a job there. I have already been given the opportunity to live with a girl for free until i find a job which is a huge and awesome thing. All of my friends are in TN and i need to get into a good church there (there aren’t really great churches in VT), so there are so many blessings that can come from living there, i just pray that i will be able to find a job within a couple months and that things will come together and i will be happy.
Thank you Anne. Know that you are prayed for as well. :-)
I am in the process of making one of my toughest decisions… I am seeking God’s direction and provision. Do I give the ministry another shot or say forget it and just get a job…
lots of families r being affected by the fires in socal – pray for winds to calm and families safety, please…
i am a bit of a lurker. but i love love this idea.
so as i pray along, i ask for prayer for a woman in need of healing from cancer. this is her second battle with cancer and i believe she is only 27.
thank you for your prayers.
can i ask you to pray for Dave. Dave has been battling cancer for years, and recently Doctor’s have told him that there is medically nothing more that they can do… but our God is a supernatural God, who is above medicine and science… and it is well within Gods power to heal Dave if its His will
Anne, it’s really hard to ask, but please pray for my congregation. We are experiencing severe warfare. I’m just worn out.
I have just been called as the Children’s Pastor of a small church and it is a full-time job with part-time pay. I will be substituting as much as possible at a high school to make ends meet. The church is on the edge of the DFW Metroplex and no longer a country church.
The church is small with 60 in their morning Bible Study and about 125 in worship. The auditorium can barely hold 200. The other buildings are too small to hold the children and half of the space is taken up by the food ministry which feeds several hundred poor people each week.
I have begun to pray for $5,000,000.00 for building three buildings; one for Class Space, one for food ministry and one for an auditorium. The church just spent $48,000 because the buildings were moving and breaking apart due to geological movement.
Money the church had saved over the decades had to be spent. We have the property to build, but not the money to build and the cities are moving in all around us. New streets and homes are popping up within a mile of the church. I know God can meet all our needs.
Pray for God’s intervention in His Way. I know you have seen the church Anne.
Bro. Texas Ron Linebarger
Hi blogging community,
I am one of “those kids” that never really learned that sharing prayer requests isn’t something to be ashamed of and is a bit crucial for a healthy spirit. But I think I am in a learning phase so here goes nothing.
I feel very much in a desert right now – where familiar things no longer seem familiar and the comfortable is either uncomfortable or dangerously comfortable. I want to jump ship and take off somewhere, anywhere but here and start anew. However, I know that problems will come running after you, so I know this is just me, panicking and stressed. I feel disconnected, distant, and uninspired. I know my lack of time with my Savior has a lot to do with it, but I also know that sometimes God just wants to bring us to the valley.
I just want this heart to feel again, feel something other than hopelessness and indifference.
This is an awesome idea! Please pray for my mom as she begins the testing process for a kidney transplant. Also please pray for direction for me concerning my ministry, work , and/or school. Be Blessed and I am praying for you all too! Mike
Thank you for your kindness and willingness to approach God on behalf of many individuals.
I would love it if you could pray for me. I just transitioned out of the church I was on staff at. I served as the Network Director (non-churchy name for evangelist).
I am currently homeless when it comes to “church”. Pray that God directs me in the midst of this transition. Pray that His presence becomes so evident to me in this season of my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)
A friend who is depressed and confused. You’ve been prayed for!
im sickly. cough. congestion. and grumpy. also, the state i live in is on fire.
Thanks for the connecting idea ! At first it seems trite just putting it out there, but if we truly lift each other up, then how truly powerful it is.
And at such a needed time. My little bro is in a similar situation as you at the moment Anne and this pushed my dad, who already struggles w/ depression and health issues, over the edge. We spent 8 hours looking for him Monday fearing the worst but PTL he was okay. He spent 4 days in the hospital for evaluation,counseling etc. The concensus is that my family needs to relocate NOW which means new jobs, sell house, etc. So please pray that God would do miracles and bring healing internally as we all process. He has a big job ahead of Him, God that is:) But I firmly believe Col. 3:20 so please believe it w/me!
hey guys–and hi anne. found your blog through relevant and you are such a great, vulnerable, encouraging writer.
please pray for the san diego wildfires. it’s pretty wild and there are a lot of evacuees/people who’ve lost homes. and pray for all the hardworking fireighters. they are amazing.
Pray for all the fires here. Pray for the firefighters, the people who’ve lost their homes, all the fear. Pray that it doesn’t get worse because they are saying tomorrow will be the worst day of it all. Its windy, no one can stay outside for very long and nothing is getting better yet.
Pray that watching the news doesn’t make me crazy.
Way too close for comfort in Orange County, California.
Anne – I hope to pray for you being a ninja this week.
I’m rarely here, but I would really like prayer.
I. That I get 70% at school.
II. For a Campaign on Campus.
Campus for Christ (a Christian club I’m part of at the University of Waterloo campus) is holding a campaign this week to raise the spiritual atmosphere on campus.The campaign is called “The Conflict”, the tag line being that two conflicting statements cannot both be true. This is a prayer request for the campaign, if you find the time.
We will be having three events running this week. More information about the conflict is available @
If you can find the time, please
“Pray for lost students to come out. For people’s hearts to be open to the message. For the events to be run smoothly. For the Christian speakers to be empowered by God. For us to be bold in faith and talk to people about these events as well as the gospel.”
If you would like to be updated, email sixstring(at)gmail{dot]com
My family lives in San Diego. My sister and her family are on voluntary evaacuation because of the fires.
Thanks for the offer … I’ll surely be praying through these.
Pray for encouragement. Vision. Direction. Personal and Professional.
thank you.
It’s not for me exactly, but my cousin Luke was in a very serious car accident August 3. He’s 19 years old and is stable, but still in ICU at Shands hospital. All of his injuries were in his pelvic area (his pelvis was shattered) and a couple weeks ago we all had another scare when he went into renal failure after a surgery. His kidneys are getting better, but right now it looks like he’s going to lose the tips of his fingers on his right hand, we don’t know about his feet/toes yet, due to loss of circulation. He’s had a hard life besides this, both of his parents passed away when he was in high school. It’s time for things to start looking up for him, it makes me feel like saying “God, give him a break!”
Please pray for him, God can even put circulation and feeling back into his fingers. Also pray that God will give him strength and motivation as he learns to walk again.
His personal goal is to be able to be home for Christmas.
How very generous and kind of you to offer this to your readers. Honestly, it is just like you to do this – which is why I keep coming back to read your writings. I will be remembering you during your trials in the upcoming days and weeks. I am reminded again how wonderful and freeing this “web-based Christ-follower” community is!
At first I was not feeling bold enough to ask for prayer but I decided that “yes” this is right. So here we go:
First – this weekend my kid brother gets married. It will be a stress-filled wedding and as the best man I want to serve my family well. I’m not thrilled with all the details and not everything will go the way of my preferences. My parents are doing most of the arrangements for my brother and his fiancé. Pray for me – the opinionated big brother and first born – to be gracious, loving, encouraging and well just be what I need to be this weekend. (I head home to Telford tomorrow afternoon.)
Second – I have a date in two weekends with a gal I have been quite fond of for well over a year. I am a bumbling fool when confronted with relationships. That movie Hitch? Kevin James’ character? That is so typical of me, but I want to do this in a God-honoring, gal-honoring, sweep-her-off-her-feet way.
Thank you for your prayers my friend and blessings to you,
~ The Mattchews
Thanks, Anne for offering to pray.
There are 3 students in our student ministry who lost their mom today to leukemia. She has 3 sons: 20, 16, and 15. They will now have to live their lives without their mom. Their dad has lost his wife and best friend. They need God more now than ever.
Thanks for praying,
Sure thing. Small things. a) madly busy and stressed with uni work and the semester concluding b) getting married in 2mths or so and all that goes with that wedding prep and marriage prep. included. c) that I will continue to listen to God and search out more what he is trying to teach me
Pray for my husband who is confronting a brother who has been living in sin for his entire married life. Pray for a miracle for their marriage. I can’t imagine reconciling with such disgusting sin he has been in, but I know that God can win this battle. I’m torn because I can’t encourage and I feel I should be. I am so angry and don’t want to be involved. The Holy Spirit won’t leave me alone about “doing” something. Maybe my role is to simply pray. Please join me in this!
Pray for my church. Things are rough, people not being Christ-like, & it’s causing deeper issues for others of us, & ‘life’ there feels like it is dwindling. I’ve been praying that God’s perfect will shall be done, in many different aspects.
I think I can see another ‘version’ of Mad Church Disease in all this–not only burnout, but people in churches who want selfishly only want they want, & cause issues for anyone who thinks differently or doesn’t give it to them. It isn’t about them, it’s ALL ABOUT HIM! I wish people would begin to truly know that–it’s about God, not anyone or anything else.
pray for community. for the friends I need for support and the friends I need to support. for the friends who’ve betrayed my trust. for the ways I can love them anyway. for consistency at work and the opportunity to love people there. for the ways I get burnt out and overloaded. for the ways I need to be more free. for the ways I need to share that freedom unselfishly. for consistently reading scripture this week.
We have Christmas celebration for inner-city people. It is 12.17.2007. We ask that you pray that God saves, heals and renews a lot of people and that all go well.
please pray urgently for YS who is currently making some important life decisions in Europe – may she have discernment, support, healing, peace, a good home and an income and that she may live free of the past, all trauma healed.
Bless you
Please pray i sell my home. We have closed on our new one but our current one is still on the market. we will be facing serious financial hardship if i dont sell soon. PLEASE pary for us.