so, if you are part of the facebook group “fight mad church disease” or you’re subscribed to the mad church disease blog, this news is about a week old. but with the new job news last week, i thought i’d wait until now to let you guys know that mad church disease officially has a publisher!
i’m going to wait a little bit to reveal what publishing house it is as the MCD website is going through a bit of a lipstick makeover, but i couldn’t be more excited. after hearing their enthusiasm for the book, some of their design/marketing ideas, the choice was clear.
the release date is set for february 2009 – i know – it seems forever from now, but we are going to be coming up with some really cool stuff in the mean time that will start the discussion…
if you haven’t yet, sign up here to be notified when the book is available for presell.
thank you guys so much for your prayers and help in spreading the word about this book. i found out earlier in the week that whenever the website launched and you guys blitzed the internet, msnbc’s “clicked” (a part of msnbc that picks up things that are heating up the web – it’s about a quarter of the way down) had taken note! who knew?
they didn’t exactly get the concept of the book right (ok, they got it entirely wrong and i emailed them to explain the idea), but it goes to show you that there is a huge need and people are responding to it! that couldn’t happen without you, so thanks!
13 responses to “mad church disease update”
loving God, hating church. been there. but yeah, that’s not right. lol.
Great, Anne…looking forward to having it!
That is so fantastically awesome Anne
Well, I heard about this old news last week!
I feel like such a first class citizen :)
You can too by subscribing to the MCD Blog:
Congrats Anne!
Congratulations Anne!
I love knowing the secret! But I won’t tell.
I’m excited, Anne!
Praising God also!
Jess xx
2/09 does seem a long way off, but if you’re doing something with the website in the meantime, we’re talking the beginnings of a “viral book”! I love it!
Thanks everyone :)
Anne….next thing you know, you’ll be on Regis talking about how MeSsNBC got it wrong.
BTW, I’m happy The Wampus does it’s job…. :o)
Very cool, Anne. Congratulations. That’s great news.
Answer to prayer! Still praying….
Love you..
That’s great!