I’ve been staring at this screen for an hour trying to think of some clever way of announcing this.
I’ve got nothing. So I’ll just say it.
We’re moving to Edmond, Oklahoma on January 3, and I’ll be working at LifeChurch.tv beginning January 7.
I will have the great honor of working alongside the great Bobby Gruenewald. Fetching his Chick-fil-A; scavenging for Diet Cokes, and hopefully taking all that great stuff his brain creates and putting it into action. At the moment, We are still exploring title options…ninja was already taken, so we’re on a quest….Any suggestions? :)
So how’d all this happen?
A few months ago, you couldn’t have paid me a million bucks to move to Oklahoma. I am a city girl. I am a Texas girl. Oklahoma has horseshoeing schools. And red dirt. And Sooners.
But in June, all of that changed. It started as a simple trip to help with some copy writing for YouVersion.
We had no plans on moving. No plans on changing jobs.
But three days later, we knew our lives would never be the same.
We knew we’d end up there.
We just didn’t know when. Or how.
And it all worked out.
And we couldn’t be more excited.
And we can’t wait to see what the future holds!
112 responses to “my new job @ LifeChurch.tv”
Cool, cool, cool – wonderful news!!!!
I was born an Okie; warning: life move a lil’ tad slower for Okies vs. Texans. (i.e., talking slower, day begins slower, lots of patience…lots of calmness…. and tons of hospitality!)
my opinion: you guys will find Okies are extremely loyal, warm at heart, and mind their own business! You are in for a huge blessing! Everyone is so caring. What a great place to end up!
Right on! Welcome to the team (in January)! It will be a transition from Texas, but if I can make it from California, anyone can…
I’m going to sign up for horseshoeing classes right now.
Texas (and I) will miss you.
Wow. Exciting times.
That’s awesome. I am so glad for you and your husband.
All the best for your move!!!!
That’s great! Congratulations :)
congrats! very exciting!
super super excited for you!!!!
it is going to be awesome!!
Anne! I am so excited for you! I can’t imagine a better place for you to be! Lifechurch.tv is so awesome…as you know – and the team over there just keeps making brilliant moves! CONGRATS!
What are you talking about? I don’t know who you are and I’m not hiring anyone right now. Could you have mistaken me for someone else or perhaps you are referring to a different church?
Just kidding…I’m very excited to have you on the team!
As you can see from the above comment, I’ll certainly be needing BIG TIME prayers… :)
congrats, anne!
you’re going to do an awesome job @ lifechurch.tv!
Congratulations. That’s going to be a great opportunity for you.
Congrats! Anne. You are getting closer to Oregon!
Know that you are loved,
anne … i don’t know you personally but, from lurking around here for a few months, i can say that i am so excited for you and i totally believe that this is going to be awesome for you (and your husband). my husband and i are selling our house and moving from a small ohio town to the kansas city area(your old homestead). thanks for being such an inspiration!
i had no idea!
Congrats!! That sounds awesome!
Congratulations!! Very exciting. :)
We are excited for sure to have you on the team! Looking forward to working with ya!
sweet, go after the kingdom work. blessings on you.
Thanks for the horseshoeing link…I’ve been looking for a good one here in OK! Can’t wait for you to be here.
congrats anne…a fantastic new chapter of life begins…peace…mike.
Cant go wrong when the local team wears crimson and white! ;-)
Good for you!
Are you sure the OU/Longhorn game wasn’t the clincher for this decision?? :-D
OK I know this is easy to say after the fact but I saw this coming all the way from Winnipeg… from your first mention of that first Lifechurch trip anyway. My first feeling as I read your announcement was pride that I was so smart and intuitive to suspect this all along. Then God casually mentioned maybe He was simply using me as confirmation. Touche.
Congrats Anne!
(Are you sure it isn’t Bobby who needs the prayer?)
be nice to randy coleman. we like him.
Cpngrats. I am so excited, I have always wanted to know an Oakie.
Wow! Change can be so invigorating!
Welcome to the Lifechurch.tv team, Anne. You are going to be such a great addition!! Let us know if you need help moving in when you get here:) Oklahoma may not be a big city, but the people are great! See you soon.
congrats! how exciting!
I probably don’t know you well enough to be happy for you, but I am anyway! My guess is that this simplicity you’ve been looking for may be a little easier to find in OK. Congrats and peace during the transition.
Yessssss. I love moving. And I REALLY love reading your blog.
Congratulations Anne! That is great news!
Very exciting. OK’s gain will be our loss here in Texas.
Just make sure you tell lots of TX vs. OK jokes like: “Did you hear that Texas just opened up the world’s largest zoo? Yeah, they put a fence around Oklahoma.” and “Did you hear about the war between Texas and OK? OK threw hand grenades across the Red River. Texas pulled the pins and threw them back.”
Alright, that was pretty sorry in so many ways.
As for the “title,” since ninja is taken, how about “Creative Samurai?” (I just watched a special on PBS about the samurai sword.)
Hi Anne,
Congratulations on your new role at LifeChurch.tv. This is so cool. I’ve just accepted a position there as well and will be starting around Nov. or Dec. (whenever we can get our house sold).
I’m excited about what God is doing in your life and I am excited to be serving alongside of you.
I am excited for you!
In the a recent time, I would have let out a couple cuss words in shock.
Awesome news. Congrats for working on YouVersion.
(I am still a bit stunned… thus, I have nothing better to say :)
I’m from Nebraska. We can’t be friends anymore. Sorry…
hi anne! I live in the tulsa area, and it’s not so bad!! just don’t stray too far from the paved roads…
Hey Anne,
Congratulations! And I’d like to second “creative samurai.”
3 things:
1. Yesterday when I was reading your blog I had a feeling about this. Maybe it was gas, but I’m telling you, I had a feeling. Not like the guy on Heroes who paints the future, just the feeling. Congrats, and I’m glad my hunch, feeling, or gas was right. I wish I could detect that feeling at the time as “that feeling”.
2. You suck. Just kidding, congrats. Does sound like a cool place to be. I used to work in OKC at a church and those guys at Life are awesome.
3. In regards to Bobby’s comment pretending not to know who you were, etc. I’ve always thought it would be funny to pick a conference (say the C3 conference or something) and have my assistant call the host church like the day before and say “yes, regarding the conference tomorrow, I have a few questions. 1. Who will be picking Pastor Larry up at the airport, and where will he be staying? 2. Who do I need to e-mail the powerpoint for his keynote to? 3. Who will be assigned to him as his personal assistant for the duration of the conference?” and listen to the confused silence on the other end. That would be so funny!
Sorry for the too-long comment!
Oklahoma isn’t all that bad…I’m proud to be FROM there. :)
Congratulations…we’ve heard good things about lifechurch.tv.
I grew up in Texas (not a big city) and almost all my relatives live in Oklahoma – I can relate to the Texas vs. Oklahoma thing. I love Oklahoma and I think that you will find it to be a great place. I know you will do great stuff as you use your gifts and strengths to make an impact. We can change the world!
Awesome ANNE…congrats.
I am SOO excited for you. Lifechurch.tv is a awesome place to grow. I have been a member there for over 5 years and love seeing where God takes the church and the people involved. I would love to meet you when you arive.
Still praying.
wow! congrats… how exciting!
That’s sooooooooooooooooo cool!!!
LifeChurch rocks!!
wow! I can say that I did not see that coming. Holy Smokes! Everyone’s changing jobs these days. I’d love to find a job at a cool and nurturing place like Lifechurch in OK. Besides, it’s the most inexpensive place to live in the entire country.
Tony hasn’t lived in NE for almost as long as he’s been alive…he needs to get over it….HA!
Congratulations, Anne. I can’t wait to see what Groeschel’s team has in store for you….I’m sure you’ll write about it. Is this just research for Mad Church Disease? I just thought of that question……hmmmmmmmmm…tell me, tell me, tell me how you do that trick
Job Title: “Naught Naught Seven, Creative Spy” (since you’re in Oklahoma, you can talk like Jethro Bodeen now.)
That’s so exciting for you! Blessings as you plan and prepare!
I sent you an email as well but…
I serve and attend the OKC and Ed each weekend so I am at both. I would love to meet when and wherever is the best for you.
That’s very exciting! And Edmond isn’t exactly…rural. Edmond has more money than it reasonably knows what to do with, it’s very suburban. If you ever have trouble with your kitties, take them so see my mom! She’ll take care of you! Congrats and good luck with your move!
Congrats on the new job!! That’s exciting.
Just for the record…I do need your prayers more than Anne does.
Thanks, everyone. Except Bobby.
That is so stinkin’ cool…You Go Girl! You totally deserve it and I think FlowerDust and LifeChurch make a GREAT match!
We’ll be praying for you from Ft. Lauderdale…(never been to OK, but it’s got to be great, that’s where LC is!!)
Congrats on the job, that is so cool. I have been listening to the messages on my iPod for some time now and think it is such an awesome church. I was at Willow Creek a couple of weeks ago for a leadership conference and they had a satellite feed of Bobby Gruenewald. It would be great experience to work along side him. What kind of work will you be doing over there? I know about the internet campus, so just wondering.
How serendipitous. My friend just pointed me to your blog about a week ago, now suddenly you’re moving to my neck of the woods. I know how you feel. I’m a Texas girl, too, and Oklahoma is certainly not Texas. But it is very charming– especially Edmond/OKC– and I pray your transition will be joyful and encouraging. I just drove by Lifechurch today, actually. God bless you in this new adventure! Welcome to OK! ;)
Welcome to Oklahoma!
In my humble opinion – you just moved to one of the greatest cities.
Opportunity for the church to BE the church abounds.
We are church-planting in mid-town OKC.
So welcome to the church family.
Very, very cool!!! How exciting!!! Awesome!!!
=) Very nice! Congrats on it all working out. I knew it would at some point.
i am so excited for you!! and better yet, when i visit Oz, I’ll be closer to you :) how exciting!
PS–I can vouch for the fact that you will need the prayers more than Bobby. Good luck girl!
Anne that’s awesome, you are working for a great group of leaders and I am excited that you are going to be on our team. We can really talk bogstuff now!
i’ll confess. my first thought was:
“YAY! you’re moving closer :)”
i know. selfish.
but i’m still excited for you!
Well, whoop-t-freakin-do. How do you think this makes all us Lake Pointers feel? Did you ever stop to think about that?
Nah, I’m just kidding – congratulations! I hope to hear the whole story firsthand though, sometime between now & Jan. 3…
Awesome! Praise God! Enjoy the corn.
Cool. My husband and I live in Edmond; and Ryan (husband and 5and2fish guy) just finished working with Bobby and Terry putting together the new Open site. Good, good people. And this year God joined us with Ben (from comment above) to be a part of Mars Hill, after Life was our “home” for 10 years. If you need anything at all, help getting settled here, etc., please let us know! Blessings.
Many congrats!!!! :)
No Way!!! I just found you a couple of weeks ago through margaret feinberg and even prayed for you on porn sunday. Then, today, I checked your blog to find out you’re moving here?!!! Yes, I live in Edmond. So, welcome to Oklahoma!
Your family is going to miss you!
wow… congratulations!!!!
you are going to have so much fun….i am loving the anne – bobby banter…very entertaining. :)
Congrats! We just celebrated our 3rd week here in Southern California, so not planning on moving thing happened to us and my prayers are for a smooth transition for you guys.
Wow. Excited for you. Except that Oklahoma part. My wife’s from Oklahoma. I’m from Texas. I tease her relentlessly. She hates it. I should probably stop.
But yeah! I’m excited to hear how everything goes…
Congrats! What a cool move!
Oh yeah, and sorry about the OK thing…
Anne, not all Okies are Sooners. Ride ’em (OSU) Cowboys!
Look forward to meeting you in person. Enjoy your blogs.
Hey, Anne! CONGRATS! I’ll be seeing you in January. :)
Yea!! I’m not a bit surprised!
What a great platform for your passions and burdens.
Can’t wait to meet you “for real”!
Well, that’s awesome. I just picked up Greg’s book “Confessions of a Pastor” and am loving it!
I had no idea this was going to happen. I’m totally in shock. (grin). Job title suggestion..hmm…how about Director Of Enthusiasm? That way when people ask you yer job title you can sing “Doe, a deer, a female deer…
Huzzah! Now Wichita is nothing more than a 3-podcast car ride! I’ll pencil you and Chris in for a Starbuck’s or Cafe Moderne meeting on the 20th.
Looks like I am the last to know! :) I am so pumped to have you join the team and to whip Bobby into shape (just kidding Bobby, you’ve done alright so far…). Can’t wait to meet you in person finally. I am also a Texas transplant (Houston) and have been here a year and a half. I agree – the people are incredible – I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. And most of the time the weather’s not half bad. You just have to get used to wearing red dirt as an accessory. We’re excited to have you here!
As a transplant from the east coast, OKC has been nothing but kind to my family and I. Glad you’re moving now and not a few years ago… when I moved here there were no Starbucks! Not one!
As far as the job title… I’ll see about placing you into the Jr. Ninja program, but there is a waiting list!
Maybe Bobby could pull some strings.
Heard nothing but great things about you, so it will be nice to meet you in person.
Two words, Anne: WOO… HOO!
I am SO thrilled you’re coming here. (I’m gonna slap Katie, though, for not telling me.) Bobby’s great. He’s the second smartest person I know (after my wife), and his hair is simply righteous. It’s really like an entity unto itself. It was so great to work with you, even just a little, on YouVersion. I look forward to meeting you and your husband in person.
Also, you’re invited to join our support group, “People in OK Who Don’t Care about Football”… that will bring us up to 12! We’ve been trying to hit that number for 3 years! You can even sit with us at OKC campus. (Actually, on game days, you can sit pretty much wherever you want.)
Sorry, though, I don’t think you can be Creative Samurai. I already call Craig’s assistant Sarah “Samuraiah.” Maybe you could be Innovation Task Assassin. Maybe Annoventor (Anne + Innoventor). My first thought was Annovator, but that sounds like a human elevator. We’ll think of something…
Because of the enormity of executing the things that go on inside of Bobby’s skull, I recommend the title of Executive Executioner. It has a nice scary ring.
(Oh, and I’m b.go’s wife, he hasn’t thought of a nice title for me yet, so mine is “LifeKIDS team”–the same as like 8 other people.)
I look forward to having you join our team. I’ll overlook the Okie comments. We’re good people.
I don’t want to rain on your parade, but you’re moving to Oklahoma. But I guess that’s looking at the glass half empty. Looking at the glass half full is being grateful that you’re getting out of Texas :)
Hi! I’ve never commented before, but had to this time. I live in OKC, so welcome. We actually do have a little bit of a city here. In fact, I live downtown and highly recommend it. Especially given your recent post on renting and such, there is a lot of development going on down here with a lot of nice old buildings getting converted to residential. Downtown is the only way to get a semblance of the urban vibe here, so please check it out. And, it’s really not far to Edmond.
Anyway, when I moved from Houston, I only missed two things. 1) Chipotle and 2) Central Market. Can’t help you with the Central Market (or any urban grocery store for that matter — yet), but they are building a Chipotle in Edmond as we speak. Praise God!
Woohoo Anne! I will join the long train of congratulations and best wishes… just be careful around those Sooners! And I really look forward to the purported book of awesome!
wow, congrats!
b.go I think yer on to something. The Annovator…
Awesome news =]. I hope you love the change.
God Bless ‘_^
Right on! (as west coast things go… along with awesome, sweet, and rockin’)
To work with a place as influential as lifechurch is – you must have some pretty good chops!
I totally understand the city to the country exchange though – but it does grow on you after a few years – HA! It happened to me – I was city raised – then countrized – now becoming some kind of weird mixture of both… if you know what I mean…
May the Lord bless thee and keep thee from being an okee :)
We have a place here in Cali called Bakersfield that everyone says is the second biggest city in Oklahoma – I’m still not sure what people mean by that?!?
Anyways – peace.
Wow…not sure why you weren’t on my blog reader…but I saw your facebook email and then noticed that I hadn’t seen ya blog for a bit…and then…well…you get the idea.
WOW! Talk about a life changing event. I follow lifechurch.tv a bit…you must be pretty excited, if not…you better be! :p I think you’re in for a ride.
Remember…keep fighting the good fight, and remember who all of this is for. :)
Wow… exciting. Congrats!
And OK claims another Texan…. Hmmm. I suppose if God weren’t involved we’d question how…why…what on earth is happening?!? Guess it goes to show that GOD really does loves Okies enough to want them “in the fold.” HE seems to be loading up that state with HIS lovers.
Congrats!! That is VERY cool…except for the OK part, of course. ;)
is that why you were in nashville?
you probably know my buddy brandon frazier. (who was, incidentally, also in adam’s last glimpse all those years ago)
if you don’t, you will – he leads worship at the hendersonville campus. my friend andy statezny is the pastor.
i know more people in common with you than i do a lot of my in-real-life friends.
WOW! I just looked at lifechurch.tv and it looks AMAZING!!!!
I think you will like us okies, and maybe we can convert you to a sooner.
Brilliant – congratulations on your new position at LIFECHURCH.TV. I know you are going to do fantastic.
Kind Regards.
Welcome to the LifeChurch.tv team. Go GATORS
good news! congrats on the position. Crazy thing is about blogging…it doesn’t matter where you live, so it’s crazy that you’re moving, but i didn’t know where you were before! If it’s east of California, I pretty much don’t pay attention. but yeehaw!
I’m so happy you’ll be joining LifeChurch.tv Anne! If OK gets boring, you can come visit us at the Mesa campus and have some big city time again :)
Welcome to the team! I’m excited to meet you and to watch God use you through this position! I’ve worked for LifeChurch.tv for almost a year and live in Edmond with my hubby and two dogs. See you soon!
Rest assured, I’ll have you a Sooners t-shirt for when you get here! :)
The first time I saw you comment I swerve, I knew that you would eventually be on their team. Congrats!
You are one of my best and longest friends and I love you. This is amazing for you guys and I am really happy for you. Yes and Sooners!! EWW!!
I hope we can teach you some tolerance and manners while you live with us.