reflections from a bubblebath (3 of 3)

reflection #3: washed away

i think in some of the comments in previous posts, people have said they don’t like taking baths because in essence, you’re sitting in a pool of your own dirty water. i agree. completely. which is probably why i haven’t taken one in 3 years AND why i showered after the bubble bath.

as i let the water out of the tub, my feelings of baths were only confirmed by the ick left after the water had drained.

“all that was on me?” i wondered as i looked down at the bottom of the tub. personal hygiene is pretty important…even with my daily habits, i still had all this dirt left on me. turning on the shower, i watched it all wash away…never to be seen again.

i thought i was pretty clean, pre-bath. i do shower every morning, so how could i not be? well, i was wrong. and many times in my life, i’m operating in routine mode, my spiritual disciplines often becoming spiritual to-do’s which i must check off. dirt slowly and discreetly collects on my soul, and in my mind.

it’s still mind-boggling to me how we are promised are sins are removed as far as the east is from the west, never to be seen again. taking the time out to sit and soak and i guess really clean off was essential. it revealed the dirt i didn’t even know was there. but with a quick shower to rinse down all the ick, i never had to see it again…and in my spiritual life, i know his forgiveness is like that final shower – cleansing, purifying, and recharging.

[the end]


8 responses to “reflections from a bubblebath (3 of 3)”

  1. Sarah Markley Avatar

    This reminds me of the Randy Travis song, “Pray for the Fish” (where the guy gets baptized and the preacher says to pray for the poor fish because of all the sin that will roll off of him into the river).

    I praise God every day for the ICK that I will never again see, His amazing forgiveness and in His strange omnipotence, that He doesn’t even remember my wrongdoings. I guess He might be reminded only when I wallow in guilt and self-pity (no need because He’s already forgiven me!)

  2. lynse leanne Avatar

    hmmm….that is good.

    i love the fact that God does just that, he washes it away….all of the time.

    so good!

  3. Texas Ron Linebarger Avatar

    He washes it all away. No more ick.

  4. michael Avatar

    memorized psalm 103 a while back and reviewed it this morning…good stuff on us being removed from our transgressions.

    good imagery with a shower on being washed too (titus 3:5)…i also like to stay mindful in those times that my baptism means that christ was judged on my behalf and that should lead me to cleanliness and to refrain from the mud…so much less to wash off.

  5. West Avatar

    this is something that I personally struggle with all the time. how can He wash it away? how is what I’ve done/what I do not like tattooed right on my forehead?

    thanks for the article……

  6. Shannon Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your reflection thoughts. All three…great!
    1. Let go and let God
    2. Even in the valley he is with us and renewing our spirit
    3. Washed white as snow

  7. Daryl Avatar

    Your reflections truly encouraged me. Thanks. And God bless! He always has great plans and thoughts for you!

  8. Joylene Avatar

    yea for bath time reflections!