so, the reason i wanted to know how many guys vs. girls read my blog was so i wouldn’t be surprised how much my readership might drop this week. :) i understand reflections from a bubble bath isn’t the most masculine sounding title…
the last time i had a good, relaxing bubble bath was june 2004. three years is far too long, so i put most of our candles in the bathroom, poured in the bubbles and put my iPod on a sigur ros playlist. after relaxing a bit, my mind started to wander. the next three posts will be about the three things i learned amid the bubbles.
reflection #1: we are meant to float
as i slowly became less aware of my surroundings, i noticed my arms went from two, dead-weighted limbs at my side to floating on top of the water. remembering that humans float naturally, i tried to see if my legs would do the same (thank goodness for large, garden tubs). sure enough, the more i would breathe, release tension, and relax, the more my body would begin to float to the top.
however, i started thinking about the process. i would try and mentally force my body to float, but would actually begin to slowly sink instead. it was only when i truly let go of my muscle control when i would start floating again.
lesson learned? we are meant to float; only the support of living water holding us in place. the more we try and do things our way, the more we sink…and even when we try to make ourselves float, we are unsuccessful.
we must completely let go in order to experience the movement, motion, and freedom floating brings.
22 responses to “reflections from a bubble bath (1 of 3)”
good one, Anne. i like the way God teaches us things through everyday – or in your case every-three-years – activities.
Keep ’em coming. I read you every day even though I’m technically not supposed to at work! ;)
a great way to relax….you are so thoughtful sharing reflections. I would call the “freedom floating” a beautiful way of expressing gratitude for just being a female! Definitely an A-ha and feel good moment!
Ah. Bubble baths. I actually had one last week…sadly forced upon me as a result of the need to relax back muscles after a car crash!
I love reflecting on the natural things in life…they have so much to teach us.
We’re all friends here right? Truth be told… I’m a guy and I enjoy a nice hot relaxing bath as well. Not bustin out all the fixin’s with candles, bubbles, etc. Just me, the water and silence. My wife makes fun of me but there’s something so cleansing about a long hot bath. Cleasing more so mentally than physically.
i’m learning to float anew…
Float anew…that is beautiful! And boys, thanks for opening up about your bubblebathyness.
you’re right…i’m outta here!
(please take note of my smile as i type this)
What a great way to meditate!! Gonna have to try this one!
Err, I can’t take baths because bathtubs are not long enough.
I can’t stand baths… does it make me less of a woman to shower?
Reflection time is great! BTW I can’t swim or float; seriously.
There is no “trying to float” in the Dead Sea. The salty water makes floating easy and even involuntary. There’s got to be an analogy in that one.
Another bubble bath dude here… actually, I like my wife’s bath salt…wow, I can’t believe I actually said this!
I usually don’t like baths either…thus the three year hiatus. Sitting around in your own filth? Eewwww. But something about the bubbles makes it tolerable :) I’m surprised so many men are being so open!
Scott…how in the world do you know float (or swim?)
Sitting in your own filth! Ha, that’s what my husband says; in fact, he even takes a shower AFTER he takes a bath (yes, complete with bubbles, candles, body scrub, etc).
As to letting go to float, with me it is a daily thing…or not, if I forget that I need to let go. When I try to control my life, that’s when I sink (I usually drag my husband and daughters down with me)
Sarah-I admit I took a shower after the bath! :)
Anne- You know brothas can’t swim!
So. Is it wierd that you are talking about being naked?
I mean. Nakedness is fine. I just didn’t know if nakedness was cool to blog about in Texas. If I still lived in Cali, I could blog about being naked. But I don’t think I can now.
Dude, did I say I was naked? I was wearing a turtleneck over my wetsuit. I’m Baptist for pete’s sake. :)
“Anne Jackson
Dude, did I say I was naked? I was wearing a turtleneck over my wetsuit. I’m Baptist for pete’s sake. :)”
After I quit laughing, I found myself with absolutely nothing to say in reply to this.
What a great observation – it ties nicely in with Peter walking on the water when Jesus called to him, and then when he lost sight he began to sink.
i’m a “bubble-bath-taker-during-the-cold-weather” kind of person…it’s like when it’s really cold outside and nothing seems to warm you up except for staying in bed, so off to the HOT bath i go. i have to say…i take a lot less baths since having kids (now i give way more baths than i take).