a pile of laundry awaits me to transition it from dirty-to-clean. my apartment needs a good vacuuming and dusting. i have quite a bit of writing i need to accomplish today, but with my car sporting a fresh flat tire, i cannot drive to my favorite writing spot in the west village. words flow out of the woodwork there.
a year ago this week, i was finishing the little things for my fall trip to scotland. i can’t believe it’s been a year. i miss it terribly. this year, i have been attempting to pay down my debt (credit cards – almost gone…medical…well, i still have a long way to go. thank you gallbladder.) my leisure travel has been limited to destinations on I-35…austin, oklahoma city, kansas city.
so, here i am…sunday daydreaming of three places i have never been, and desperately want to visit (american-ly speaking):
-new york city
33 responses to “three places”
LA… b/c it’s the only really big one I haven’t been to yet…
Minneapolis… really
…but since i only know about 3 more cities it’s not too hard a choice!
Clearwater, FL (it’s oh so pretty, and I want to revisit our honeymoon)
Seattle, WA (to visit my brother and the original Starbucks)
Tucson, AZ (I hear there’s a cool church there that I wanna check out)
New York
San Diego
I am going to add a 4th….
…San Francisco
well i’m from the uk and i’ve done new york (overrated) and boston – gorgeous and i almost ended up living there!
I think i’d like to go to seattle and san franciso, never really done the west coast :)
anne….you MUST visit NY! my favorite for sure.
San Francisco
Boston is BEAUTIFUL! You will love it! I currently live in VT, but have lived the past 2 years in Boston. NYC is cool, but very touristy. Boston is smaller and still full of history and beautiful places.
I want to visit:
San Francisco
I have only been on the West Coast once so i have a lot to see!
lived outside of ny and boston. good to visit. ny is definatly a better visit.
my 3:
-portland, or.
-san fran
and one canadian city: vancover
Anne, Seattle is gorgeous at this time of year!!
Portland, Maine
Albany, New York
Can you tell I’m from the West Coast?
Jamestown, ND
What?! No Chicago on the list? We’re offended. Yes, ALL of us…
San Diego
Washington D.C.
And Seattle is definitely awesome-o during the summer, so I hope one of these days you will be able to experience it!
Never been:
New York
San Antonio
New Orleans
Been, wanna go back:
San Francisco (perhaps the best city in CA)
Portland, OR (my other favorite city in the West)
Chicago (for real, not just b/c you’re all offended!)
I know… Austin is not far at all. But, I was just a wee one last time I went. Now all my friends are ga ga ga ga ga over it and I want to see what all the weirdness is about!
I agree with everyone – Boston was really amazing.
I also really liked Washington, D.C. … surprised no one’s brought that one up yet.
Chicago is amazing, Scott….I’ve been there! :) I encourage all who read this to go. Around the art institute is particularly fun, but be careful if you get a pedi in china town (right, crystal?) :)
LA….the city of my heart (here, anyway)…and San Diego…I love all of So Cal.
Baltimore/DC definitely in my top 5. Which would make…San Fransisco number 4.
New York
St. Louis
and, i’ve never been to Boston in the fall (or anytime really)
Boston. In the fall, naturally.
San Francisco – on a clear day, at sunset – is quite lovely…
I lived just north of Boston for about 6 years. It’s a wonderful place to visit!! Definitely go in the fall.
Portland or Eugene, OR (I am convincing my husband to move to the west coast!! I am from southern cal…)
Missoula, Montana (b/c my bestest girl friend lives there)
Chicago (b/c I went to college there and miss it terribly!)
oh – and well, there’s a 4th – San Fran (b/c I love it and my husband’s never been)
In the US:
– Atlanta
– Seattle
– Washington DC (only been to the airport, yippee!)
– Rome
– Madrid
– Sydney
Some lofty – some not.
gary, in
bernalillo, nm
commerce city, co
oh, and chicago (in case scott is reading again)
New york city
anywhere in RI
Going back to Hawaii is always the best option though!
Boulder, CO
This year I’ve gone on tour for the first time and visited places I never thought I’d see and some I’d never heard of.
I want to vacation back to Sausolito, CA or Monterey, CA with my husband. They were SO picturesque.
New York
Boston was amazing. I want to take my wife back there!
In America:
SanDiego CA.
Washington DC.
New York City NY.
New Zeeland (on a Lord of the Rings tour)
Oxford England (drinking a pint at the Bird and the baby and knowing that CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien brain-stormed there)
Swaziland Africa (helping AIDS Orphans)
I’ve been blessed because I get to travel a lot and have been to most of the places listed…I’ve liked them all and would go back, but I do think NYC was overrated. On my first trip a couple years ago I stood in Times Square and thought…I feel like I’ve been here before. I’ve seen it so much on TV and in movies it seemed strangely familiar. I felt that way in most of the city and crowded in the other parts. The other city I felt that way about was Rome, Italy…strangely familiar, even on my first visit.
My list domestically includes:
New Orleans
(I haven’t seen much of the South)
Maui (I hear it is beautiful)
-San Francisco
Bar Harbor Maine (the postcards hooked me!)
Maine (anywhere around there)
Wyoming (heard it’s very peaceful there)
Scotland (again)
In the good ole US…
– Savannah, Georgia (historical Southern Belle area)
– Breckenridge, Colorado (too beautiful NOT to go there!)
– Seattle, WA (it’s on the complete opposite side of the states to me in South Florida)
If you were to ask outside of the US it would be: