daddle up

sometimes, i see things that make me think,


This is one of them.

The “Daddle.” The idea…potentially cool. But let’s make it a little less creepy, eh? if you’re interested.


29 responses to “daddle up”

  1. grant... Avatar

    they should put that on a dog…
    (now that would be cool)

  2. Tim Avatar

    it must be a texas thing..

  3. stephanie Avatar

    i’m loving the knee pads! haha!!

  4. Skyler Goodman Avatar

    Ummmm…..yeah….I think I got that as a wedding gift!

  5. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Looking at this now, I think he’s also flying.

  6. Hale-Yeah! Avatar

    that’s worse than when people put leashes on their kids

  7. allen Avatar


  8. John Blanchard Avatar

    No way am I EVER wearing anything like that. Sure, carry your kid around like a horse, but if he falls, he falls. That’s all part of growing up.

  9. Patrick Sievert Avatar
    Patrick Sievert

    oh my

  10. Rindy Avatar

    Weird–just plain weird. I don’t know which is worse–the thing itself or the name they call it?!!

  11. Chad Wright Avatar

    I refuse to buy anything for my kids that could also be used in an adult film.

  12. kris Avatar

    SO wrong ….

  13. lynse leanne Avatar

    I dont know how i feel about that….kind of creepy!

  14. Tammy Avatar

    “ if you’re interested.”… not so much!

    That’s alot of work just to play horsey with your kid – buy him a real horse for petes sake!

  15. Jon Avatar

    ha ha ha.. seriously.

  16. ginger Avatar

    but where’s the diddle?

  17. chris g Avatar

    no comment.

  18. bryonm Avatar

    that’s gotta be a texas thing…

  19. Daniel D Avatar

    At first I laughed. Then my kids walked into my office and saw it on the screen. They want me to get one. I am afraid.

  20. Scott Williams Avatar

    I thought that you were playing; however I checked the website and it’s for real. It’s about as weird as the leash looking harnesses, that you see people walking their kids with. Hmmmm that might be tommorrows blog. “Rediculous Kid Stuff” Thanks Anne

  21. krysta Avatar


  22. Sarah Chia Avatar

    What I wanna know is… how in the world do you even come across that in the first place?

  23. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Sarah – that is a GREAT question :)

    I was iChatting with a friend about Billy Bob’s (the largest Honky Tonk) which is here in the DFW area. They have a chandelier that looks like a saddle and is made of diamonds and I was looking for a photo of it on google images. I think I searched for “saddle chandelier” or something and that came up in the results….

    Needless to say we ended up talking about the Daddle for a while!!! Then i decided I must blog this amazing find!!!

  24. carole Avatar

    I like to say crap.

  25. Joylene Avatar


  26. Jon Avatar

    What’s the big deal? I love the daddle! In today’s world of high gas prices, it’s a refreshing example of out-of-the box thinking about alternative forms of transportation.

  27. Jenny-up the hill Avatar

    Funny! And your’re right….it does look like he’s flying! lol!! That’s a hoot!!

  28. James Avatar

    dude, i’m totally getting one of those when i have kids. great way to train your kids in bull riding!

  29. Jenn Avatar

    My husband Ryan at 5and2fish frequently tells me about your blog, but I have to admit, this post is the one that made me put you in my reader! I laughed so hard – at the picture and at you bloggin about the picture! Something is seriouly wrong with me!