happy 500th! (almost)

as i was linking up the last post, i realized…wow, i am almost at 500 posts! this one is #494 (including all private ones).

if we were all together geographically and it was a milestone event, we would of course throw a party, right?

i’m left wondering, what should we do for post #500? my mind goes to the easy “donate $500” to a worthy cause (which, by the way, those of you who ordered “be” the church shirts – they are printing now and will be on their way soon along with thank you notes from the family you helped!)

…but this little blog wouldn’t have gotten near 500 posts if it wasn’t for YOU…all of you…lurkers and all…(ahem. cough, cough. reveal thyself.)

my resolution: starting post #501 i will be using proper capitalization.

i am personally all up for people sending me airline tickets and going out to meet as many of you as possible. but that’s a little egotistical and selfish, ain’t it? :) anyway, do you have suggestions for what to do to celebrate the big #500?

(on a side note, flowerdust.net has had a little makeover. if you’re an rss reader, click here to see it! if you’re not, make sure you hit refresh and see the new look!)


16 responses to “happy 500th! (almost)”

  1. Dustin Avatar

    dust – i hit my 500th last week and it was about my unborn baby boy .. a pretty good way to move into the 500’s if you ask me!

  2. Anna Avatar

    I like the new look. I’m also a fan of proper capitalization (fan? snob is more like it). So I will welcome that change also. :-P

  3. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    i like the new look. but i am not in favor of proper capitalization. :)

  4. Stephanie Avatar

    new design looks great!

  5. Aaron Avatar

    happy anniversary….

  6. Matt Singley Avatar

    I was going to send airline tickets out to you and your husband to visit sunny L.A., but then the duplicate post thing happened and I got distracted and closed the window on travelocity.com, so oh well. Maybe another time. I’ll still join in the online party.

    @Anna…you forgot to capitalize “snob” after the question mark. ;)

  7. Joshua Avatar

    Early congrats!

    Love the new look too.

  8. Jason Curlee Avatar

    I’m (almost) so happy for you. I (almost) thought about sending you the tickets but if I did I would (almost) be out of money. So as soon as we officially hit that magic 500…the party will be on. Well (almost) since I don’t really live up your way…and I’m (almost) pretty busy most of the time and (almost) can’t get away on weekends. So that’s it (almost)

  9. Heidi Avatar

    Congrat’s …

    The new looks awesome…

    Keep challenging us and the comments will roll!!!

  10. Faith Avatar

    I don’t have any good ideas for a celebration, as yet, but I’ll keep thinking. Personally, I’m a fan of lower-case i’s and think you should stick with them…x

  11. chris g Avatar

    congrats! looks great.
    keep up the wicked blogging you flowerduster.

  12. Melissa Avatar

    LOVE the new look…it is simple and powerful…;)

    Congrats on the BIG 500…that is really cool…you have challenged me to think on things I would have never thought about, and yet made it so easy and inviting to be a part of what you are doing…

    Well done…

    (PS – I took way too many English classes in college to support the lower case thing, but I like it…can’t do it myself, but I like it!) ;)

  13. lisa Avatar

    i’m a lurker .. i’ll admit it. i’m not ashamed. but proper capitalization … i WILL NOT endorse this! when i realized that you typed without the proper caps … i … well … i liked you even more. caps are crap!

  14. dave anderson (moviepastor) Avatar

    I will buy you an airline ticket to sunny and VERY HOT Decatur Alabama! I sent you email to explain why – but you dont read email as often – DANG! Maybe you really are an email addict and you will read it soon!


  15. Anne Jackson Avatar

    So, am I gathering that most people want me to keep it all lowercase? It’s all for you, baby!

  16. Joni Avatar

    yes, lowercase

    You could send ME $500 and I would SO celebrate that post.