having huge (blogging) writer’s block. brain empty. the last two days, we got to have the honor of this young man staying with us. never met him before in my life. and yes mom, that means we let a stranger stay with us. he only made off with the tv and one of the cats. he is actually quite fantastic. and that new bio picture over there (click here for you rss people), he took that for me, with some more i’ll get to posting one day.
anyway, since i can’t come up with much to write about right now, i thought i’d ask you guys a question. if you could meet three people in the bloggoland, who would they be? and please, do not say “you, flowerdust. of course, you” unless you mean it. my feelings won’t be hurt. i’ll post mine soon…
36 responses to “|block|”
Carlos Whittaker
Anne Jackson
Kevin Smith
(last one… bad for church reading ;-) hehe)
you….and i am serious. we are getting freakishly close.
http://kemmeyer.typepad.com/ Kem Meyer
i know this one kind of doesnt count….but the guy who does Post Secret. (eventhough he is obviously not someone that i could trust with my secret)
There are a couple of people that have been there since the beginning of my “blogging career”. And I already know Carlos , Double3 and a bunch of other SoCal and CentCal guys. The other people in my closer circle that I communicate often with would be, and not in any specific order…
1. Yes, you…the dirty flower
2. KristiApplesauce: http://kristiapplesauce.typepad.com
3. Dustin Bryson: http://dustinbryson.typepad.com
4. Connor McCullough: http://connormcc.wordpress.com
Honorable Mention:
Max Hsu
this list is ever changing, but as of right now…
kate mcdonald
tara leigh cobble
lori in haiti
I would have to say…
You (I enjoy your point of view and would love to pick your brain about a ton of things.)
Seth Godin – http://sethgodin.typepad.com/
you – although i feel like we’ve already met
Andrew – http://thispresentsojourn.com/
Nate and Jaclyn – http://www.theblogisfound.com
Well, I have already been mushy about this before and I can’t limit mine to three. I love how the body of Christ connects and these are people that I think I would have a grand ole time with:
Anne Jackson – yourwebsite
Kristi Fair – http://kristiapplesauce.typepad.com
Crystal Renaud – http://www.pinkhairedgirl.net/
West Wheeler – http://godrums.blogspot.com/
Tim Yeagar – http://timyeager.com/blog/
I have actually talked to these peeps on the phone, but haven’t met in real life:
Omer – http://www.xanga.com/omdalf
Scott – http://www.xanga.com/agape422
Sheila – http://www.xanga.com/evidenceofgrace
Eric – http://www.xanga.com/PushingForward83
I wish I could do a roadtrip and meet everyone.
Los Dog
Brother Hale
Mrs. Dust
The Hodge
I always love that you let me name drop here. I feel like a super star. I would like to thank the academy for this honor. Yeah…I knew Miss. Jackson back in the day…so she is not one that I would name. But I would however like to ask that you send me your 16th book with an autograph for me. No, not 16 books. 16 TH book. Now that -that is out of the way…my three is um, okay, let me think. I would have to say Hale-yeah. Brian : http://haleyeah.typepad.com/
is one of my funny faves. He is pretty fantastic. Then there is Jules : http://nolessthanfive.blogspot.com/
She freakin rocks. If you ever want to be read or “hang” around a lady who lives her life like she loves the Lord…she is it. So real. I dig her. And last…I dunno. I think that Derek and Shannon Paulo come in together on the last. Dang it if fighting cancer together doesn’t make you rock stars…I don’t know what does. http://paulofamily.blogspot.com/ http://dpaulo.wordpress.com/….sorry Kevin, there was only 3 spots, er, I mean 4. But Kevin you, would be my 4th spot if there was a 4th spot. Totally you http://massivetruth.wordpress.com/. I mean that.
I think you need to do something crazy so you can write about it! (that’s my approach–check my latest adventure!!)…
My list of “would love to meets”…
Anne Jackson (yes, you)
https://annemariemiller.com/ no…really…I would!
Aaron Conrad
Perry Noble
And although I could list a ton more—I will stop at the requested 3 ;)
Great idea–now I can check out some new sites from the recommendations above! thanks!
Anne Jackson – https://annemariemiller.com
Kem Meyer – http://kemmeyer.typepad.com
Carlos Whitaker – http://ragamuffinsoul.com
Ms. Jackson of course first. http://www.flowerdust.net
I just want to share a tea and listen and grow.
Mr. Craig Groeschel- swerve.lifechurch.tv, he brings me my meat every morning.
Lori Boucher- confessionsofapastorswife.typepad.com, my new canadian friend.
You only asked for 3, but there’s Rindy, Paul, and Gary, and the movie pastor and especially my new oregonian friend Greg.
ok, i feel like i’m copying off everybody else, but here goes:
1. los from ragamuffin soul
2. anne from flowerdust
3. heather from dooce
Okay here we go:
1. Craig Goerschel – Lifechurch.tv Swerve Blog
2. Brian Bailey – Leave It Behind
3. Garr Reynolds – Presentation Zen
besides you, of course…
THE HAITIAN NURSE: http://www.xanga.com/haitinurse4life
ANDREW: http://thispresentsojourn.com/
ERIC BRYANT: http://ericbryant.org/blog/
This is difficult, but…
The Girl Talkers
Emily from Unfurling Flower(http://unfurlingflower.blogspot.com)
Carolyn McCulley
Kristiapplesauce — http://kristiapplesauce.typepad.com/
West Wheeler — http://godrums.blogspot.com/
Tony — http://miwat.blogspot.com/
Crystal — http://www.pinkhairedgirl.net/
Let’s see, that’s 1…2…3… ummmm. Rats. I’ll get back to you.
ahhhhhhhhhh… those photos. Contentment. Wonderful stuff.
bloggers to meet hey…
Anne Jackson
(genuinely honest – I know one person in my state in Australia that I class in the same category as you and I want to know more of them. 20-35 aged female thinkers are good people to know. You, them and two others make me feel inferior in a happy kind of way. Everyone needs role models I just seem to have to find most of mine online).
Rebecca Monson
(relationship built up more over email than blogs)
Makeesha Fisher
i’ve already met you and chris and crystal. (so everyone’s jealous…)
i’m sort of an introverted blogger, so i don’t read many blogs of people i don’t know in real life or people who aren’t within a few real-life degrees of separation… there are a couple of friends of friends whose blogs i read that i’d love to meet. i read dan kimball’s blog, and he’d be interesting to meet. so yeah… :) and carlos whittaker, because it’s always fun meeting other worship leaders.
First off… thanks for linking to Joshua’s site (the stanger on the couch). Lovin his “I AM THE CHURCH” page: http://www.thelongbrake.com/blog/i-am-the-church/
Second… bloggers I’d like to meet (in person since some I have met via phone and/or email):
Steven Furtick – http://www.stevenfurtick.com
Seth Godin – http://www.sethgodin.com
Tony Morgan – http://www.TonyMorganLive.com
Eric Bryant – http://www.EricBryant.org
Mark Batterson – http://www.Evotional.com
Brad Abare – http://www.bradabare.com
You! No, really…you!
Bill – http://www.friendlychristian.com/
Mandy – http://mandythompson.wordpress.com/
and the Whitakers too!
Cynical Tyrant – http://cynicalrantings.blogspot.com/
Joel Kilpatrick – http://www.larknews.com
Anne Jackson – https://annemariemiller.com
Dang it. I forgot Les. I totally dig Les and Sheila. They are African you know. African people Rock. And I didn’t say Crystal because I already know her. We get to hang out at Christmas. Will you be coming?
1. https://annemariemiller.com – Anne Jackson — My husband (a Pastor) and I love your blogs! We are respecting your silence -Pouring out your heart makes us realize more than ever the hurt, abandonment, guilt, pain and disillusionment this generation is experiencing.
2. Living Proof Ministries.blogspot.com (Beth Moore and Daughter’s Amanda blog)
3. http://www.carolscaringthoughts.blogspot.com hope you don’t mind me putting a plug in for me and I’m way far from being a selfish person (I don’t get a lot of comments but that’s okay)…if being married forty years can help a marriage ready to collapse, bottom line..in unison, same page.
I said I’d put my three….now I realize how hard this is!
1) Flowerdust…wait………..
Ok really, this is hard. For the record I would meet any of you if we were ever geographically close…but if I had to pick three now:
1) Krysta Rinke – Because we are like seriously long lost sisters (link above)
2) Scott Hodge – Because he’s more random than me, I think.
3) It’s seriously a toss up between Brian Hale, Rich Kirkpatrick, Derek & Shannon Paulo, and Tim Yeager. But it only counts as one because they all live in the same state. Really Krysta does too, but because she’s a girl, she gets her own spot. :-)
Kristi-I might be going to Africa soon, but Kenya or Uganda. If I am going and where is TBD…but the trip is in early 2008.
Craig Groeschel
Hemant Mehta
Steven Furtick
Have a great weekend :-)
Kenya Anne…..
That totally counts as a vote for me because I got my name in there. Woo hoo. Why wouldn’t you come here?
Hey, at least I got an honorable mention!
You are a given Mrs. Anne.
Rindy http://rindy.wordpress.com
Jane http://mamadoggylove.wordpress.com
Ervin http://penocular.wordpress.com
Oh, and the folks at Floating Axhead.com: Scott, Lori & Michael
Aaron – Arms Wide Open
Craig and Bobby – Lifechurch Swerve
Heidi – Find me
I’d like to meet:
Dean Peters
Tony Morgan
Duncan McFadzean
and many, many other bloggers.
I love the longbrakerized profile photo. It’s a little darker and edgier than your other pic.
I’m not a fan of the bright blue, it seems out of place in the context of the muted earth tones on your site.
But I love the composition. The tension created by placing the open space to your left instead of your right adds the edginess. (the opposite of my profile pic) Your gaze then takes the viewers eye right off of your profile pic and on to the words of your blog posts. Pretty spiffy.
My pics for who I want to meet….
1) Kristiapplesauce…….it seems like I would laugh all day if I spent it with her. I seriously looked at flights to So. Africa just for fun! $5,000 later I thought I may have to wait til she gets back here to the USA.
2)Hale-yeah….for pete’s sake, he only lives a few miles from me. You think I would have run into him already!
3) Maggie……@magnanimity. She’s been a reader and me of her’s since my bloggy beginning! Love her Godliness!
wow anne…
we’d so like to meet you sometime too. i’ve got a cousin in arlington and shannon’s got a cousin in dallas.. maybe someday, eh? and kristiapplesauce of course… and it’d’ve definitely been alese coco. cool post as always anne!
Here is my list:
1. Scott Hodge
2. Perry Noble
3. Tony Morgan
Only three is tough.
Anne…You are in my top 5.
You have got some awesome stuff on your blog, too.