the reason i asked about the “30 days to live” is because my friends over at are starting a very compelling and original series this coming weekend with that title. i love lifechurch, and since chris works saturday nights (when i’m usually home writing or cleaning or something) recently i’ve been watching their service at 7 pm via the internet campus.

anyway, what makes this series so compelling? every week, they sit down with people who have very limited time left on earth…people who actually know that they may just have 30 days to live. wow. wow.
you can check out the website for the series here. i know i’ll be tuning in at 7 pm on saturday (and i’m usually in the channel 1 “guest lobby” for a few minutes beforehand.) i’d love it if you’d join me!
thank you all for your very thought-provoking responses. and man, are they all over the place. if you haven’t had a chance to read through them, check them out.
as someone who regularly struggles with fear and “what ifs,” just the concept behind this series has caused me to really think through why i worry so much….and wonder where my boldness has gone. it doesn’t cause me to live in regret, but i guess tune in a little more to what is going on around me now, in the day-to-day…and how the day-to-day is part of a really long time we’ll just call eternity.
5 responses to “and this is why i ask…”
i think if i only had 30 days to live i’d act more like a volunteer and less like a staff member. what’s the diff? say no when i need to say no. say yes with everything in me when i need to say yes. treat my time as the gift that it is and quit worrying about the outcome. pour more of myself into something that will still be around after i’m gone.
thanks for the thoughts anne. g
Interesting topic, but very effective for getting me to weed out life’s clutter and focus on what’s really important; living each day in joy and gratitude and being intentional about everything I do. I don’t know what I’d do if my time here was limited to 30 days (and in reality, it may very well be, for all I know) but I don’t think I would spend the time catching up on episodes of 24.
It is a very thought provoking question, indeed. One that would cause anybody to reflect.
Tony Campolo tells about a sociological study in which 50 people over the age of 95 were asked one question: “if you could live life over again, what would you do differently?”
Three answers dominated:
-If I had to do it over again, I would reflect more
-If I had to do it over again, I would risk more
-If I had to do it over again, I would do more things that would live on after I am gone.
Kind of puts things in perspective, for sure.
I have checked out this series and its amazing…I love how lifechurch puts things into such great perspective. Interestingly enough, after this series it does seem like simplification is certainly possible when you realize the things are truly important. I am learning alot about focus myself lately!
love this concept. why does it always take something so extreme to get us to the point where we will change and live from the heart?
i like what switchfoot says “i wanna wake up kicking screaming, i want to live like i know what i’m leaving, i wanna know that my heart’s still beating, it’s beating, it’s beating….i’m bleeding”.