my office

my office is next to andrew’s.

and we overhear each others’ phone conversations. a lot.

just right now:

phone ring.


long pause.

“no, i think it’s your saturated fats.”

statements like this are bloggable simply because of their randomness.

i pray to the lord up above he never blogs any random statements coming out of my office.


11 responses to “my office”

  1. andrew Avatar

    i don’t weblog them. but. you do have a “way with words” (i am being generous), and i’d consider it a mistake not to take note of some of them. spending each day your wall-mate proves a surprising and ridiculous experience. ‘sgood.

    fish oil is mostly polyunsaturated.

  2. andrew Avatar

    p.s. thanks

  3. Anne Jackson Avatar

    he also kindly does not mention that many times i trip over my space heater and crash into shared wall.

  4. Kevin Avatar

    LOL. Yeah, we have many blog worthy quotes from our 5 year old. I just forget them by the time I get to work.

  5. Jordan Like the River Avatar

    Anne… I’m glad Andrew ain’t the vengeful type, because you are just ASKING for it now.

  6. Jordan Like the River Avatar

    Then again, you’re always quite open about other things on your blog… maybe you won’t mind a little bit of poking about your “way with words” :)

  7. Larry Boatright Avatar

    makes me want to be careful what I say!!

  8. Darren Chapman Avatar

    ROFL that’s hilarious. My 3 year old when he was 2 had a piggy back ride from his mother… he got off her back and said, ‘More ride the pig?’ My wife and I thought that was pretty funny!

  9. Rusty Avatar

    Now that is funny! Thanks for making my day. I need the random acts of funny. I work at home with my kids sometimes in the background. I will remember to blog them occasionally…

  10. Rusty Avatar

    Oh man! This had me rolling on the floor! I should start posting the random comments I hear in here with my cubemates! I think I fear they might blog about mine as well.

  11. joshua longbrake Avatar

    i love quotes out of context.

    context is totally overrated.