dreams (part 1 of 2)

my google homepage has widgets.

one of these widgets produces random quotes.

one of these random quotes said this:

There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream – whatever that dream might be. ~Pearl S. Buck – US author, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize Laureate

so tell us, has your heart ever been broken by a dream dismissed?


12 responses to “dreams (part 1 of 2)”

  1. Joshua Avatar

    Chinese food.

    I dream of the tasty, oh-so-delicious goodness that is general tso and his bite sized morsels of heavily breaded and fried chicken lathered in sweet and spicy brown sauce, but my heart knows better now :'(

    stupid weight loss.

  2. Joni Avatar

    I never looked at it as a dream dismissed before. Hmm. I would say yes. I had a dream of what I would do in ministry. At one point I felt like I was being held back by people who weren’t a part of the plan God had for me. Yeah, I know. Its sounds just as bad in my head too. Nevertheless, over time, God is replacing my dream with His vision which is much more satisfying and a lot less work for me. And the general tso chicken sounds pretty good about now too.

  3. Hale-Yeah! Avatar

    you know, I always had a dream of going away to college, meeting lots of friends, living in a dorm, and just having some care-free days. Well, I never moved away, all my friends did, and I worked my way through college. So, sometimes, even now, I regret and am sad that my college days dreams are now over.

  4. allen Avatar

    well… not dismissed… just delayed about nine years

  5. Shaula Avatar

    I think that some people never go after their dreams because they would rather live with at least the possibility of the dream than attempting it and seeing their dream die.

  6. saralee Avatar

    not broken, slowly smothered but not beyond revival. CLEAR!

  7. gretch-A-sketch Avatar

    Its funny because as I pondered your question I thought…Well, nothing si coming to mind?? (slightly puzzled) I mean there must have been something…

    Nope. And here is why…

    With every thought, dream, wish, goal….I know things will go wrong and I also know that Gods plans are not always mine. I am always open for new roads to travel and and ok with not going the way of my origional plans. I am a change addict. I thrive on adventure and with adventure, that cant be totally be planned. Dont get me wrong I have goals and dreams. I just thrive on riding the wave of life and seeing what happens next.

  8. Heidi Avatar

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned about making a difference with my life, it’s that my difference -making is only limited by the the size of my dreams, and yours.
    Dr. Leslie Parrott

  9. D Rho Avatar

    Hah – loaded question! I like how your mind works, Anne.

    Uh, let’s just say that my dreams have usually been built on sandy foundations that revolved around mostly what I wanted. I’m a sort of perfectionist – and my dreams are always perfect in my mind. Fact is – nothing in life happens that perfect.

    I’m always drawn to “true” stories that are turned into movies. I love the moments when the dream is realized. I realize, though, that they’re always BASED on true stories because the real true story isn’t that neat and well-written.

    Sometimes I wonder if Jesus Christ had dreams like I do… Did he want a wife and family? Did he want to lead a church? Did he want a castle on a hill? Did he want the praise and admiration from all his family, friends, and crowds? Jesus life was lackluster, dirty, simple, and full of skepticism from his peers; which ultimately ended in a humiliating death… not much of a success story… but completely true and totally meaningful.

    I guess God’s dream for my life is what I’m actually living now (I’m a sovereign God guy). Part of my problem is I have trouble seeing the grand calling in the simple and mundane. If I could than I would be living my ultimate dream.

    If my dreams are about the huge thriving church I want to lead, or the incredible blockbuster movie I want to direct, or the fabulous vacation home I want to buy, or even a beautiful passionate perfect spouse… I suppose all of my dreams have been dismissed and for good reason. But if my dreams are whatever God brings me: being the best husband possible to my wife, being the best father possible to my boys, or being the best brother, or son, or cousin, or friend, or neighbor… the simple (and often taken for granted) roles could be the most amazing dream God has for our lives.

    I’m thinking that my own struggles and let downs are
    about my ego not being made much of – and less about God being made much of in my ordinary life.

  10. Faith Avatar

    When I was about 6 I used to play with my Princess Diana paper dolls and dream of marrying a handsome Englishman and living in England.

    I put the dream aside soon after.

    But in April of this year, I married Mr. Simon Dwight, of Chesham, England, where I now reside.

    Just a little dream I thought didn’t matter – to prove that sometimes we may forget our dreams, but God remembers them.

  11. krysta Avatar

    i’m wondering if some dreams are meant to be forfeited for the much larger dreams. and if some are to be left behind in pursuit of something greater, how do you choose which ones to sacrifice? because a dream is a dream … and like your quote said, a dream lost leaves a piece of us broken … no matter how small.

  12. Melinda Groth Avatar

    Hale-Yeah! (wrote above) mine. Exactly the same.