for me, it was a bathroom stall tonight.
obviously, i won’t explain too much about that part, as a sentence like that needs no explanation.
after drinking far too much diet coke and raspberry tea, i journey off to the ladies’ room. as i am in the previously mentioned stall, i hear the door open, and slam…then the open, and slam…in the stall next to me.
i am thinking…either someone is really drunk, or someone is really upset. i depart my stall and start to wash my hands. my new neighboring stall friend comes out of hers, after blowing her nose. i do a discreet once-over in the mirror to see what we’re dealing with.
both drunk and upset. hmmm….i ponder if i should say anything.
the thinking didn’t last very long. she leans into the mirror, wiping her eyes and lets out a long and heavy sigh. i slowly ask her if she’s okay while i dry my hands. she stops, takes a look at me and says,
“i can’t believe how wasted i look! this is just so (deep breath) sad!”
she really didn’t look too bad, and i tell her.
“seriously? i mean look, look at my eyes and my make up. it’s %#@* everywhere!”
really. you look fine. cute shirt.
(sniffs, wipes nose on arm)
“i just can’t believe i got wasted at an applebee’s…*&^@!..but thank (hiccup) you.”
i hold the door open for her, smile. she smiles back.
hopefully something in that interaction was helpful. it’s funny who crosses your path sometimes.
21 responses to “where you’re at”
Could have been worse, she could have puked on you mid-sentence.
Seriously though, nice work. I don’t know if I would have been as kind.
I like this.
Salt of the earth, my friends. Salt of the earth.
At least she did have shell fish sandwiches, a strawberry daiquiri and crave french toast…
MMM…I had french toast this morning….
Sorry….that was off topic.
Kind of.
Dude, you know how I feel about bathroom topics.
Funny and sad that most of us wouldn’t have even asked if she was alright. Wonderful … she may have been an angel in disguise. Or, … your kind attention might be remembered as “the total stranger who showed me a spec of kindness that turned my life around so that I can do the same.” Woo! Gives me shivers.
I am so totally laughing picturing this one Anne! lol
People everywhere need to take note…
Dont’t act stupid/strange/weird/dramatic or just start drunkly crying in a public place because you are a blog just waiting to happen!
This is great!
this post along really makes me hurt. I was this person. I was looking for acceptance and escape through alcohol. These “random” encounters that we have with hurting people should be opportunities for us to show them a love they have never known. This “tanked” lady needs what you have. Whenever we encounter hurting people, they should not offend us or scare us, but should move us to love.
Thanks for reaching out to someone like me.
Thanks for sharing that. And you’ve been prayed for and given thanks for right where you’re at this moment.
You’re loved woman.
we never know who God puts in our path. harder still is knowing what God wants us to do in any particular situation. the least we can do is send up a prayer on behalf of someone else.
sounds like you did good. hopefully this lady remembers you the next day.
Ryan… You are not alone. I have tons of Bill W.’s friends.
Although, I never have had a bit of alcohol touch my lips.
My parents did.
See reaching out is the easy part sometimes,(in the bathroom it’s tough :) ) But investing is a whole different story, in my ministry that I lead (small group) I have several people who attend AA, NA, OA meetings and you know what? To invest in their lives I go too. AWESOME priveledge.
Accept and Allow the serenity to happen is one of my motto’s in life.
We need to continue to reach out to hurting people,no matter where we are in life.
this made me smile :) (kind of like that … or maybe like this :D … either way, it made me smile)
Back in the day, I remember having some of those moments wondering how in the world did I get this messed up. And of course feeling so humiliated having to look at another person. Your simple interaction with her was huge. In an awful moment, she caught a glimpse of encouragement. Nicely done.
Divine appointments Anne. Jesus taught us all about them whether it is by a well, at the base of a sycamore tree or in a bathroom stall. Jesus’ heart goes out to those in need. So does yours. I’m sure you will have another one of those Divine appointments today. Christ followers always do.
french toast, mmmmmmmmmm
You never know who you will run into. That, is when you need your own personalized tract. I found an old tract in a box a few weeks ago that has been around for many years. It gave me the idea of making a personalized tract with a picture, message, email address and webpage on it to build a bridge for the gospel’s sake. I started working on my own personalized version that I can give if I run into someone that is on the run….errrrr like the lady you attempted to help. When I finish my tract, I will send you a copy if you like. I am thinking about building a gospel website and referring to it on the tract.
(sarcasm alert)
What, you didn’t lecture her on the evils of drinking, point out all her sin, and tell her that she’s getting what she deserves for her reckless behavior?
I’m disappointed, Anne, I thought you grew up in church…
(end sarcasm)
it wasn’t me in drag again was it?? ;)
For my sisters 40th b-day last year we all went to Jacksonville Florida. They have this great landing, surrounded by bars, live music all day, fountain for the kids to play in and it’s all right next to an Omni Hotel. We stayed at the Omni and walked over to the party/landing area.
Well, before this trip I knew good and well there would be some serious drunkeness come Saturday night. I asked God how I could be Jesus to my family in the midst of celebration without being the downer, He gave me a great idea. That night when we all got back to the motel room (my sister had to be carried by my brother and my husband Dean had to help my mom cuz’ everyone was REALLY drunk exept us) I fed all the drunk people the sandwiches they wouldn’t have hang overs the next morning.
They know very well that I am a christian and beleive me, they have heard me “whitness” to them plenty but that night I felt they “saw” me whitness to them and I know God got the glory.
For my sisters 40th b-day last year we all went to Jacksonville Florida. They have this great landing, surrounded by bars, live music all day, fountain for the kids to play in and it’s all right next to an Omni Hotel. We stayed at the Omni and walked over to the party/landing area.
Well, before this trip I knew good and well there would be some serious drunkeness come Saturday night. I asked God how I could be Jesus to my family in the midst of celebration without being the downer, He gave me a great idea. That night when we all got back to the motel room (my sister had to be carried by my brother and my husband Dean had to help my mom cuz’ everyone was REALLY drunk exept us) I fed all the drunk people sandwiches so they wouldn’t have hang overs the next morning.
They know very well that I am a christian and beleive me, they have heard me “whitness” to them plenty but that night I felt they “saw” me whitness to them and I know God got the glory.