why i can’t have kids

It’s true. You know it.

[courtesy: nataliedee.com]


25 responses to “why i can’t have kids”

  1. John Blanchard Avatar

    I guess that’s what my kids have to look forward to…Bummer.

  2. robin Avatar

    Hee hee! My poor kids. Oh well, what doesn’t kill them will only make them stronger, right?

  3. saralee Avatar

    2010? My kids would tell you 2007. Earlier even. Really, I have to be careful. Of course maybe I get by with the technicality that xanga isn’t really blogging.

  4. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    cause that’s a reason not to have kids… blogs. ;)

  5. Mattchews Avatar

    Ha! I like the artwork as much as the content. That is why I am not having kids you know … because I blog. Has nothing to do with the fact that I am single and loving it …

    So Mrs. Jackson, I followed your advice and looked at wordpress and let me just say I drooled a little. I am going to do it, with it meaning get a domain and take the plunge. That said, Oh Guru of the blog, I have two questions for you (or for readers who choose to comment).

    A) What domain server do you use for flowerdust.net? WordPress offers several options and I was wondering which might be most credible etc.

    B) Want to help me figure a name? I’ve got a few options and this is working out over at my Xanga. So far I have:
    TELFORDIA.net (hence for Telford, my true hometown)
    INTERSECTIONS/.net/.org (I had an idea for a tag to make this make sense)
    THEMATTCHEWS.com/.net/.org (preference in that order)

    Your input, dear guru, will be much appreciated!

  6. Shaula Avatar

    I let my kids preview anything I write about them. There are things that I would blog that my kids aren’t comfortable with, so I don’t publish those.

  7. Gina Avatar

    But my kids give me so much material?

  8. Matt Avatar

    my mom blogs about me but i blog about her back.

  9. Gretch-A-Sketch Avatar

    haha, I read this after I have just posted about my kids. Too funny!

  10. Lynse Leanne Avatar


    my poor future kids. my jr high kids find more out about me then sometimes i would like them to know….some parents have stumbled upon my blog and feel the need to share who i am dating and my latest tattoo.

    hey if its online it must be true. Right?

  11. Lynse Leanne Avatar

    and i think it is great that you tagged this under “sex”

  12. andrewshepherd Avatar

    my kids will outblog your kids any day

  13. Kevin Dooley Avatar

    I was actually looking forward to the new material I’d have from gorgeous Lilybeth!

    In response to the guy looking for web hosting, etc… try http://www.bighousedomains.com/… I used to own the company with a guy I went to school with, he and the other guy running it now are top notch. They’re affordable and their service is outstanding.

    Oh, and WordPress rocks!

  14. Paul Avatar

    Heres a more realistic picture

  15. Joni Avatar

    Hopefully by the time he’s old enough to read a blog, my son will stop peeing and pooping everywhere and give me less to write about. I fully expect them to blog about me too. I have a friend whose young daughter was not a fan of writing until she set up her own blog. It prompted her to tap into some creativity. And she’s pretty good at it.

    Perhaps blogging will be obsolete by then and a whole new way of exposing your family to millions will exist!

  16. Melinda Groth Avatar

    My kids (and the teens I work with) know that I blog about them (my kids are teens and young adults). They check my blog to see what I have said and kind of revel in being spotlighted. By the same token, I read their social sites and see what might get mentioned of interest . . .

  17. Jeff Reed Avatar

    For the record, if I was blogging when I started dating my wife…. well, if I was, I wouldn’t be married either!

  18. krysta Avatar


  19. Mom Avatar

    Well, Annie, your mom doesn’t blog about her kids! Your kids (just joking) would probably be able to blog by the time they could reach the keyboard. They would probably blog back about you.

  20. T.J. Avatar

    why don’t younger Christian couples want kids? Does it not seem selfish?

  21. Parrish Avatar

    Whoa. My kids are in for it.

  22. Maureen Avatar

    now that is funny!!!

  23. Marla Avatar

    This is awesome… funny thing is I am sure my kids go through.. :) Love your humor girl…

  24. cool dad Avatar

    All is good. We’ll probably homeschool. What’s a schoolyard?