Prayer for my Family


If you’ve watched the news lately, you’ve seen some footage on the fires in Texas. The fires in the South Arlington/Kennedale area of South Ft. Worth are only a mile and a half away from my parents’ house up the highway (the highway mentioned in this photo – Hwy 287). Please keep them in your prayers. I talked to my mom this morning and they weren’t evacuating, but I just heard on the news they are starting to ask more and more people to leave. I also have some friends in that area (I am pretty sure most of them live more in Dallas than Ft. Worth) but my old high school, etc. is out that way.



7 responses to “Prayer for my Family”

  1. crystal Avatar

    i have heard about this and thought about you and your family. most definitely praying.

  2. Tracy Avatar

    i will be praying for this too.
    love love love

  3. Allen Arnn Avatar

    I pray that the winds will die down and that your parents home will be spared.

  4. James Petticrew Avatar
    James Petticrew

    Praying for your family

  5. Kristiapplesauce Avatar

    Will be praying for them, and for you.

  6. candyce Avatar

    will definitely pray…

  7. kristiapplesauce Avatar

    Have you heard anything different?