Ok, there has been some buzz about a New Years’ Weekend get together in St. Louis…


It’s pretty central to people in the Midwest & Ohio Valley (between 4-6 hours)…so, who’s in? I am thinking for me & Chris, we will drive down and get there late Friday night – meet up with everyone on Saturday and hang out, ring in the New Year together and depart back to our humble abodes Sunday after sleeping in. I’ll look for a hotel and post details about that…

Until then, ARE YOU IN??? (Anyone & everyone is invited no matter where you live! Southwest has some really cheap flights to St. Louis from just about anywhere!)

Update: Looks like downtown/union station is a great place to stay (I was IMing normal looking people from there) – close to great food and nightlife. Hampton Inn looks okay?? There is a piano bar with tables for new years – $100/table…with a few of us it could prove to be reasonable…) Whatever!!! We can just find something when we get there….Thoughts?

Here is a Holiday Inn –


25 responses to “NEW YEARS WEEKEND!”

  1. crystal Avatar

    if i had a way there… i’d soooo be there.

  2. Anne Jackson Avatar

    hon you ride with us!

  3. crystal Avatar

    really? then yeah… totally.

  4. Anne Jackson Avatar

    you just have to find your own way back…hahahahaha. :) jk

  5. crystal Avatar

    is this alright with Chris?

  6. crystal Avatar

    i have an uncle in St. Louis (i think he still lives there…) he can gives us the low down.

  7. Anne Jackson Avatar

    yeah it’s okay …you just have to get your own room if you don’t mind :) (wink, wink…nudge…ewww….heehee)

    or maybe if some other girls go everyone can share?

    I found a Hamptom Inn downtown/union station that is close to the hill and also a cool looking scottish bar where the staff wears kilts! can you call and ask him if that area is okay?

  8. crystal Avatar

    this is totally fine and i figured… no offense… but i’d rather not share a room with you and your husband… haha … perhaps some other lonley single girl will come too that can room with me.

    is there an exact address/area that i can tell him?

  9. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Hampton Inn Downtown/Union Station
    2211 Market St
    St Louis, MO 63103

  10. crystal Avatar has some cheap stuff

  11. Deana Watson Avatar

    Sure can’t come but I put a link on my site for others who may be able to come.

  12. crystal Avatar

    that hampton inn is like $100 a night… eek. but if that is where you want to go… i left a message for my uncle.

  13. Anne Jackson Avatar

    100? i saw 85…and i wasn’t even tryin… :)

  14. crystal Avatar

    oh really? the “hit the road” rate… yeah i found that.

  15. Anne Jackson Avatar

    we can still look around! :)

  16. Anne Jackson Avatar

    depending on who goes, maybe we can get double rooms with guys and girls and save on hotel costs.

  17. b---rooke Avatar

    i did it and i was still pissed…
    but i’m better now.
    so anyways

  18. Tracy Avatar

    i wish i was 18…..aagghhhh

  19. eric bryant Avatar

    I’ll be in LA, but have a great new year!

  20. Lori Avatar

    Crystal, I’ll room with ya! Count me in!! We should get James to pop over. He’s not that far away….

  21. Anne Jackson Avatar

    I’m trying, I’m trying – he doesnt think the car they are using will make it! :(

  22. crystal Avatar

    Lori… sure!

  23. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Lori – when do you plan on arriving? Any pref on hotel?

  24. crystal Avatar

    you should post this one last time… :)