More Good News

I had a follow up appointment with my neurologist today about all the diagnostic things they’ve been putting my body through for my headaches. They confirmed with KUMed, where I had my angiogram, that I have no vascular malformation (blood vessel problems) or masses (brain tumors). All great news that the bad stuff has been ruled out. After talking about my headache patterns, they think that I have hormonally triggered migraines since most of the time, I am fine except once a month for a few days. And that would make sense because the time I had them for several weeks, I had just come off extensive estrogen therapy, so my hormones were all over the place trying to level out. Now that I’ve been off of it for almost three months, I only get headaches when my estrogen naturally drops. They gave me some interruptive medicine to take should I get a migraine. So, yay! Thanks for all your prayers!

They also got the results of my sleep study – I woke up (brain waves interrupted) 238 times in 7 hours. No wonder I feel tired all the time! They’re trying to get me to do another one (which I don’t really want to do) soon. Now that I’ve taken proactive measures to reduce my stress, I’ve been sleeping okay most of the time.

Another “Yay God” (as we call them on staff) is as of now, we have about 25% already raised and/or commited by people for our Scotland trip! We haven’t even sent out support letters yet – this is just from talking to people or people donating online! We are so incredibly thankful as God begins to pave this path for us! I have been in contact with a few people there through YWAM and Every Nation (other missions organizations) and hope we can all bond together to really make an impact for Christ!

Sorry, there’s not much else to say. I can’t really think of anything to post about except daily life! Have a great Wednesday!


28 responses to “More Good News”

  1. James Avatar

    “we have about 25% already raised and/or commited by people for our Scotland trip!” … as you say “YAY GOD!!!” (maybe you should be in charge of my fund raising too :-)

  2. Sam Avatar

    That’s really great news, Anne! God’s quite good really isn’t He?!

  3. crystal Avatar

    “Sorry, there’s not much else to say. I can’t really think of anything to post about except daily life!”

    daily life is plenty fine to post about it – especially when it is full of “YAY GOD” moments.

  4. Sam Avatar

    What happened to your “Is Anything Sacred?” post by the way?

  5. Anne Jackson Avatar

    The inspiration died within….I haven’t been able to put my thoughts in to words and it folded….maybe someday it will spark. I’m sure it will….

  6. Candyce Avatar

    offering a ‘yay God’ with you, both healthwise and scotland wise… thanks for sharing the super cool things God is doing! how exciting…

  7. Brian Avatar

    you can, just go and type in my email address!
    thats how!

  8. tracy Avatar

    i’m so excited for you!
    oh, by the way i talked with him, and it was okay. it’s just time for another step.

  9. tracy Avatar

    oh yeah, i’m waiting for that sacred post too!! i commented on it, then everybody gave it up!!!

  10. Lori Avatar

    So will you eat Haggis? Glad they are finally figuring out what is up with you!!!!

  11. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Eat Haggis? No way!! I hear that you have to drink Whisky with it…I guess if I drank a gallon of whisky first, you could probably convince me to eat the haggis!

  12. Nicole Green Avatar
    Nicole Green

    YAY! I am glad to read your news about the headaches! I’d been praying for you and I was wondering. I had migraines and the neurologist decided it was a combination of hormonal issues and also rebound headaches because it took so much medicine to get rid of one (if I even could). They put me on a prescription called Topomax and it really helped. Maybe you could ask them about that one. It does have some side effects though I think, none that I expierenced though. I eventually stopped taking it and I haven’t had too bad of a problem since then. I just get bad headaches (not migraines though) for a few days a month. I did have some bad ones after the miscarriage but I think I’m finally evening out after all that. Anyways, all that to say that I’m glad you’re doing better and it’s nothing serious!!


  13. Megan Avatar

    Hey Anne, what are they having you do to sleep better?

  14. Anne Jackson Avatar

    What they WANT to do is hook me up to a CPAP machine which is like sleeping with an oxygen mask on or something. I am thinking NO THANKS!

    What I have done the last month is cut back on caffeine some (not all) and do relaxation techniques before I fall asleep. I’m also starting an exercise routine and going to bed earlier plus taking vitamins. All that seems to work fine. On the hyper nights when I can’t sleep, Nyquil does the trick!

  15. Jennifer Avatar

    My dad uses a CPAP machine, and he says it’s amazing… He sleeps like a baby now and is quite rested and feels good in the morning, Nyquil free!! You know that Nyquil has alcohol in it don’t you? It’s like 20 proof… And I’m glad that there’s nothing physically wrong with you!!

  16. Steve Avatar

    20 proof? Sign me up!

  17. Rachel Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your experiences Anne! I’ll be praying for less headaches, more “yay God” moments and restful sleep. God bless you lots.

  18. Phil Ayres Avatar

    Hey Anne & Chris, send me a support letter when you’re ready to go to Scotland. I’d like to help! Also, good to hear they are making some progress with the headache thing. I get headacheds a lot and it’s certainly no picnic. Hmmmm. Maybe I should do one of those sleep study things too. :-)


  19. Thomas Watson Avatar
    Thomas Watson

    That’s an awesome answer to prayer Anne. I’m excited about your upcoming trip to Scotland. Keep us updated. I lived in Scotland County North Carolina in a town called Laurinburg for about 8 years. Our high school band had the full scottish uniforms w/ real pony hair. Anyway, enough meaningless trivia. Go Braveheart!

  20. brandon Avatar

    well no one ever said that i wasnt obsessed with OLP

  21. Erika Avatar

    Hey Flowerdust…that’s a pretty awesome testimony you got there…praise Him high!! When you get to Edinburgh, look me up, I’m sure I’ll still be in the area. I have family in Dallas, and very familiar with that city!!

  22. crystal Avatar

    my mom uses a CRAP machine too…. and she can’t live without it now… she loves it.

  23. crystal Avatar

    ummm….. yeah not CRAP Machine…. a CPAP Machine…

  24. Deana Watson Avatar

    ha ha crap machine!

  25. Anne Jackson Avatar

    what does a crap machine do, crystal? :)

  26. Lori Avatar

    Steve is a creepy lush! Ew!!
    Anne, yes, I’m going to St. Louis! When are you ever going to send some details? Should I get a hotel room somewhere? Bring your crapper! I mean, crap machine! I mean….nevermind.

  27. sheplaysamartin Avatar

    what’s in st. louis?

  28. Lilia Rivera Avatar

    I am just now catching up on all the blogs I missed while we were out. What GREAT NEWS!!! I think I feel just as impatient as you for next fall to get here already. How absolutely fun!