Today, the Houston Chronicle released the fourth part of their Abuse of Faith series, this one titled Abused by Missionaries. My story is included, including a darn powerful video done by Jon Shapely. We went to the apartment where my abuse occurred several times, and he captured the raw response I had returning to that location.
As a result of going public with my story last year, the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention began an independent external investigation of their handling of past cases, including mine, and current policies related to sexual abuse. During the examination, I have had multiple opportunities to provide input, including raising concerns with how IMB handled my case when I reported my abuse in 2007.
Several months ago, without knowing when this article would release, the organization asked if I could meet with them so we could discuss my situation to talk about what was not handled appropriately in the past and to learn specifics about the recommendations made by Gray Plant Mooty and how they will be implementing them.
I had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with a member of IMB senior leadership and an officer of the Board of Trustees. The senior leader and officer recognized that some aspects of my case were not handled appropriately and apologized to me on behalf of the IMB. I also had the opportunity to ask questions and share my thoughts about IMB’s implementation of the examiner’s recommendations. I was encouraged by what they said and the additional details they shared. They assured me that IMB will make the changes recommended by GPM nd will move toward implementing best practices for prevention and response, even in many cases going beyond their legal duty.
Here’s to hoping.
In other news, nursing school is getting more intense and my book Healing Together has some exciting things happening behind the scenes. Above all, I have been learning just how valuable every moment is that I spend with my family, and I’m looking forward to pouring all of who I am-with as little distraction as possible-into my marriage and my daughter.
I am still committed to advocating and doing everything I can to bring light to where light needs to be brought, shining it on other parts of the system that are not moving forward.
As always, thank you. I am so grateful for your support and prayers and faithfulness.
2 responses to “Abuse of Faith Article Part 4, Abused by Missionaries”
I have never been comfortable with the word “closure” as I actually don’t think that is really ever possible.
I am more comfortable with the process of “moving forward” without all of the encumbrances, but to think that the door can be closed on the consequences of being sinned against is only the privilege of the sinner not the person abused.
Glad to read that those responsible are owning the need to take some action and will continue to be praying for you
[…] She called the meeting “an opportunity for healing and reconciliation.” […]