Category: Poetry

  • Shake the Dust :: Letting Go

    Sometimes things don’t go as planned.

    Things fail.






    Expectations rise and fall.


    And fall. And fall.

    (and rise?)

    Someone says or does something (or perhaps nothing?) and it opens up scars from the past

    Scars that say you’re not good enough

    Or that you’re dumb

    Or not worth it

    Or too much…

    I’ll never forget the first time I heard Anis Mojgani perform Shake the Dust

    years and years and years ago.

    Recently, my fingers found a scar not quite healed

    and those voices

    those LIES

    came pouring down like gasoline on my open wound.

    Stop it.

    Stop it.

    Stop it.

    I said.

    Let it be.

    Let it go.

    Shake the Dust

    I heard it rattle in my mind.

    And I hope that no matter what voices you may hear,

    No matter who you are,

    What you do,

    What you look like,

    Or how broken you are,

    Shake the Dust. [watch the video below or if you don’t see one, click here…]



  • Give Someone the Gift of Speaking Freely (Book & Bracelet Bundle!)

     You know, it’s time to do Christmas shopping.

    We all know.

    Let me help make it a little easier for you!

    Permission to Speak Freely Bundle Anne Jackson Anne Marie Miller

    Do you know someone wrestling through a difficult season? Who maybe needs some encouragement and needs to know they aren’t alone? Or just enjoy a good story?

    It just so happens that I have a lot of these books, and I’d like to make them a little bit gift-able for you.


    For $25, you get two autographed copies of my book Permission to Speak Freely, with two “Gift of Going Second” bracelets, and a cute little ribbon to boot.

    And I’ll even ship them to you for free.


    If you haven’t read this book, the poetry, or seen the crowdsourced art in it, maybe now’s the perfect time. You get one and you can give one to a friend!

    Or maybe you just want to give a couple copies away.


    Just click the button below, and these books will be on their merry way!

    In the voice of an engaging but battle-scarred friend, Anne Jackson questions a church culture that “sacrifices the beauty of confession and brokenness for religious trappings and the malady of perfectionism.” Read through the poems, essays, stories and confessions in this book and join Anne on this journey. It’s time to face our fears. It’s time to live in a community of healing confession. It’s time to move past shame and into hope. It’s time we had permission to speak freely.

    [add_to_cart item=”FBB” quantity=”user:1″ text=”Get it Now!” ]



  • When You Can’t Breathe – Hold On

    One by one I peeled away the sheets and the duvet from my skin, only to walk into the main room of our home and see the curtain pulled back a few feet and a new blanket of soft grey clouds coming toward me, wrapping me up, deceptively sad and cold – they look so soft and peaceful from afar.

    Around my mind and heart they reached with arms damp with regret and fear and worry and yes, even that slightest bit of pain. Like a needle, so small but I’m so aware of its presence, slowly pushing through the layers of tissue around this cross-stitched heart.

    At least I can feel, I think to myself, my mouth twisted and eyes slightly closed, chest expanding with air as I promise myself if I only breathe deep it won’t feel like I’m suffocating. It’s funny what property owners say about open spaces; sure, there may be no walls in between my kitchen, my dining area and my living room, but they don’t tell you that an open floor plan is only as open as the heart of the person moving in.

    So many choices flash through my mind as I ask myself what’s the next right step and try to slough away the clouds from my insides and outsides. Today is a long shower that’s running out of hot water, teasing me with streams of liquid growing colder, subtly, until the chill hits and goose pimples break out and cover me too. I race to find warmth.

    So many things covering me, so many layers that are not my own skin. I want to strip down to dry bones and walk away from the pieces of me that are still warm because sometimes its the living that is so hard. Bones don’t have eyes to see and judge or mouths to speak words that harm or flesh to wound or hearts to feel regret.

    But bones cannot feel joy either. Bones shatter and turn to dust much faster than this body will. Aches and bruises, confusion and chaos, damp clouds that darken a morning. I must keep in mind those mental photographs of the sunsets that take my breath away with colors that have no name. I must remember the early morning light that paints my windows with silver and gold. I cannot forget the sun and its warmth as it soaks into my skin warming away the coldness of moments like these.

    Hold on. Hold on.

  • Get a Free eBook!

    Click here and get my free eBook Interlude in addition to updates on Mad Church Disease and my next book release. You’ll get freebies, exclusive info & opportunities before anyone else!



  • What Shape is God’s Circle?

    Smoke, ash, fuel. rain;
    Red & yellow lines of light;
    Fingers grasping water-air;
    Lost & found; found & healed.
    God’s circles are not round.


    Manila, Philippines

  • What Shape is God’s Circle?

    Smoke, ash, fuel. rain;
    Red & yellow lines of light;
    Fingers grasping water-air;
    Lost & found; found & healed.
    God’s circles are not round.


    Manila, Philippines

  • The Fury of My Heart

    There is at least one spot in each of our hearts that lights up as fast as gasoline whenever that one thing happens. For you, it may be when your spouse has that look on his or her face and as soon as you see it, the torch flares inside you. It could be seeing someone else’s highlight reel in this virtual world where we peer through each others’ windows and expose ourselves without shame – either the Photoshopped good or the sensationalized bad. But the comparison we make as Peeping Toms yells at us and reminds us that our life is not nearly as special or bright or dark or good or meaningful as the person we spy on. Or maybe it’s that friend who you thought was a friend until they disappeared and when you shout out to them in the forest, “Where are you?” and you swim across the lake and hopefully sing, “Marco!” and there is no reply of “Polo” and there is no reply at all and your heart ignites in fear and anger and insecurity.

    I have many of these spots and as I wake up I lay in bed for several minutes and pray desperately to dance over them with love and softness instead of give in to the torpedo of fury. Like a lighter these spots spark throughout the day and eventually something provides it enough fuel to explode and sometimes I cannot control it.

    There is a thing I do that is probably much like a junior high boy. I exist on one plane of real life where there are people and bodies and air and gravity. In my head I click the imaginary + sign and add a layer only I can see and in this layer I throw a bomb at the car that just cut me off or I imagine cartoon arrows shooting at that one man whose existence frustrates me to no end because he hurt someone I love. I look and loathe and try to find some kind of cloak of invisibility so that these things I imagine will never be known or seen though I know the only one who matters both knows and sees these.

    My soul grieves the way my heart throws its fire around so easily and with such entitlement. Forgive me, forgive me, I say over and over again. And I know I am forgiven and I know with time and surrender maybe these fires will become smaller and burn so slowly until the embers turn to ash and disappear forever.

  • Here, Now

    Open hands.
    Where are my feet?
    Here, now.
    Feeling each breath; no control; automatic.
    Use them all…my prayer.
    Use my hands to comfort;
    Use my feet to explore;
    Use my breath to show how grateful I am for life.
    Body and spirit as an act of praise.
    The only sacrifice you desire;
    Holy and living for you.

  • Drink it Deeply

    “Drink it deeply,” she said, about the changing colors in the trees and the well-worn paths of the forest.

    “I forgot how,” I responded. “Will it return to me?”

    My concern was valid. I stared, parched and thirsty, into the faded and falling leaves. I laid down on a bench, praying the earth would take me and embrace me as her own. The only thing I felt was the wood supporting me.

    As dusk softened the sunset, I got up from the bench and continued on the trail, not oblivious to the beauty around me. But I was numb to it; maybe even jealous of the communion between the sky and its reflection in the lake, the songs of the animals, and the family of trees with their interwoven branches.

    Yes, beloved,” was her answer to my worry. “Oh, yes. You are in the right place. Breathe slowly. Let go. Receive.