Category: Permission to Speak Freely

  • What Can’t You Say in Church?

    It’s official.

    My second book, Permission to Speak Freely, will be released with Thomas Nelson next fall. It’s inspired a bit creatively by the PostSecret movement and the content is driven by the post Things You Can’t Say in Church (which is now up to over 400 comments!)

    We will be using people’s confessions both on the website and in the book – which will be four colors. Similar to PostSecret, we’ll actually be scanning in your confessions and using them throughout the book. It will kinda have the same artistic vibe as Jesus for President (see below).


    The thing that’s making me a little nervous? The manuscript is due in just a couple of months, so even before the website is launched, I’m needing to get some confessions in now!

    How can your confession wind up in the book and/or on the website when it launches?


    1) Write down your confession. What’s something you feel like you can’t say in church. You can make it as short or as long as you want. You can write it on anything you want – a piece of paper like a letter, a postcard, a bulletin, a page from the Bible, a photograph, a drawing, ANYTHING at all that you can mail. It can be any shape, any size. It doesn’t have uber creative (although it certainly can be). It can just be something written down. You also don’t have to currently attend church or even believe in God.

    2) Put at LEAST your first name on it. Part of this book is a revolution to claim our brokenness and God’s redemption. If it is anonymous, it won’t end up being used. You can use your full name if you want. But your first name is fine.

    3) Stick a stamp on it and mail it in. Send it to Permission to Speak Freely, PO Box 431, Franklin, TN 37065. Or if you’re a fancy Photoshopper, make it a digital file that is at least 300dpi at 6″x4″ and email it to

    I would LOVE to have at least 100 of these in the next week if possible so we can begin scanning them in, prepping them for the book and the website.

    And here’s a little incentive for you…if I receive your confession by next Monday, July 27 AND you include your email address, I’ll send you the first 1200 words of the book.

    We will be talking MUCH MORE about how artistically you can be involved in the creation of this book. It is truly an art project focused on transparency and confession within community.

    But for now…I’d love to receive your confessions…fast!

    Can I count on you?

    *legal stuff they tell me i need to say and that i took from PS: By submitting information to this project, you grant Anne Jackson a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on my servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including without limitation published books. If you do not wish to grant me these rights, it is suggested that you do not submit information. Anne Jackson/Thomas Nelson reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the website at any time at its sole discretion.