Category: Blogging

  • A Week of TwitPics

    This week will be a little different on I am headed up to a friend’s cabin on Orcas Island and since I’m trying to squeeze the juices from every creative verbal node in my brain, I’ve asked a few friends to guest blog to take the pressure off me.

    I’ve read and scheduled their posts and have to say they bring some unique perspectives and should stir up some good conversation.

    In lieu of Twittering and blogging, I’ve decided that when I do Twitter, I’ll only be doing it via Twitpics and a small, obscure but related line of text to the photo…a song or poem or quote it reminds me, or…who knows? I think this exercise will help me help me dip into the abstract a bit.

    It will be interesting. I hope.

    How can you journey along with me?

    Follow me on Twitter here.

    Also, you can visit my TwitPic page here.

    Or subscribe to the TwitPic RSS feed here.

    Or just check out the sidebar on this blog as I update the photos (although you’ll miss the mildly pithy descriptions).

    See you in a week…

  • Some Conferences You Should Know About

    The parallel for Back to School for church leaders is Back to Conference.

    There are several conferences coming up this Fall that I thought I’d let you know about. I’ll be at all but one of them, sometimes speaking.

    Christian Web Conference(Biola U, La Mirada, CA) September 11 & 12 (*Speaking)

    Innovate 09(Granger, IN) September 24 & 25 (*I’ll be in NYC on vacation…but you should go!)
    A conference best experienced in team, Innovate delivers hard-earned, practical next steps no matter where you?re located, whether you?re a paid staff or unpaid volunteer, part of a church of 50 or 8,000 ? it?s unique. **I have THREE free passes to giveaway! To enter, just tell me in the comments that you’d like to win and I’ll choose three random winners!

    Catalyst(Atlanta, GA) October 7-9 (*Speaking!)
    I’ll be speaking in one of the Catalyst Labs on October 7 and hosting Catalyst Backstage on the 8 & 9. TODAY (8/27) is the last day to get the early bird discount! Hurry!

    Story Chicago (Aurora, IL) – October 28 & 29 (*Not speaking, but I’ll be around!)
    Some of my favorite communicators will be speaking and one of my favorite people in the world is the genius behind this event.

    National Outreach Convention (San Diego, CA) – November 4-6 (*I’m the only girl speaking…please bring chocolate).

    Lead Now/Fusion (Dallas, TX & Satellite Broadcast everywhere!) – November 5-7 (*Speaking. Three times I think.)
    We live in a world where followers of Christ appear to be frozen in their faith, unable to take the necessary steps required to initiate true life transformation. We believe the problem is big, but the solution is even bigger.

    DIRT (Little Rock, AR) – November 10 & 11 (*Speaking. Three times I think.)
    Dirt is for the video and graphics guys (and girls), worship teams, creative staff, pastors (because you know all this is your fault anyway), sound and lighting crews, actors, weekend series developers, web and copy writers, and multi-site churches.

    (And then I am going to take a really, really long nap…)

    Will I see you around?

  • Momma Always Said

    Momma always said, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”

    But I’ve taken it a step further.

    If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say anything.

    This year I’ve been more intentional in practicing the discipline of solitude. Taking regular days offline, simply enjoying whatever is in front of me: a good book, a movie, reorganizing furniture, taking a nap with a thirteen pound cat on my lap, or strolling in downtown Franklin window shopping. Even with the things that are screaming at me for attention, I’ve come to cherish the one day each week or so that I soak in the essence of what’s tangible and present.

    Creatively, these days are refreshing. And as a new season approaches – my last week working at Cross Point, and a month before the first draft of my manuscript is due – I don’t think I could survive without them.

    Every ounce of energy I have seems to be spent in working on Permission to Speak Freely. Granted, I don’t have a dozen books under my belt but I do think it’s fair for me to say that it’s unlike anything I’ve ever written before.

    Usually I feel the pressure of someone’s expectation, whether it’s my own, or what I perceive to be yours, or my publisher. But this book is different. In its own way, it’s my way of living out the message of the book. I’m speaking more freely than I ever thought possible. Typically there are words I write that are just words…but this project is different. Every word I place into that running document is drenched in heart-felt inspiration. Inspiration I pray is an overflow of the words and whispers I hear a Father speaking to me.

    His expectation is the only one that matters now.

    A week from today, I’ll be isolated in a friend’s cabin on Orcas Island. I plan on being as disconnected as possible and will have some friends sharing their thoughts on my blog while I’m attempting to knock out a good 20,000 words or so on my manuscript.

    There’s a part of me wants to apologize for the quietness that you may experience coming from this corner of the internet for the next month or so as I tie things up, but there’s a part of me who just wants to say thank you. Thank you for your encouragement, for reading (as inconsistent as things may be), for inspiring, and for letting me discover (and rediscover) the next steps on my journey with you.


  • BOOK GIVEAWAY: Busted by Fred von Kamecke

    I am not a girl with answers.

    As much as I tend to live in a very black and white world simply due to my nature of being, not everything has a black and white answer.

    Yet when it comes to matters of the faith, I’m pretty flexible. If you had to make a label and slap it on me, it would probably say something more along the lines of? “seeker” or “mystic” and less along the lines of “literal” or “exact.”

    And as much as I’m fairly grey in describing my process for Scriptural interpretation, I am a big fan of resources. Of exploring context, history, and original text.

    And I’m just not that smart to do it on my own.

    Enter books like this week’s giveaway – Busted by Fred von Kamecke.

    Fred Von Kamecke is assistant pastor at The Chapel in Graslake, Illinois and an adjunct professor at Bethel College. He has also served as an adjunct at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) where he also received his PhD in New Testament theology and exegesis. He teaches in the area of New Testament studies.

    That means he’s really edumacated.

    Fred wrote a book called Busted which researches misconceptions of the Christian faith.

    From the back:

    Following a brief summary of a recurring myth or misconception about the Christian faith, Fred explains why the myth is false and provides biblical and historical evidence in his response. He masterfully weaves together serious discussion with a touch of humor in his responses, all the while keeping the focus on the Scriptures. He avoids making fun of the people who hold views which differ from his own, but the views themselves are fair game.

    Fred has generously given us ten copies to give away to readers. To enter, leave a comment with a question about the Christian faith you’ve always wondered about. A myth. Something you can’t find an easy answer for. I’ll randomly choose ten commenters next week and email the winners with instructions. Use the Tweet This link to get double credit.

  • This Post is ALL About YOU!

    The results are in.

    Over 400 of you took my reader survey and I thought I’d share some intresting demographics about you group of crazy kids.

    If you’re interested in all the details, you can download a nifty PDF I made of the results here.

    • 60% of the readers who took the survey are women. Which honestly makes me believe it’s pretty evenly split. No offense guys, but I think women are more willing to take surveys than you are. :)
    • 31.6% of you are aged 25-31, with the next largest group by age is 32-40 (27.2%)
    • 94% have at least some college education, if not more. 23.2% have a grad degree (or two).
    • You guys have some money. 32% make between $35k-65k a year. Almost 30% make $65k-100k. And 18% of you make $100k or more annually.
    • 118 countries were represented. The USA had the most visits.
    • Texas sends the most visitors within the US, followed by California and Tennessee.
    • 51% of you attend a church activity at least once a week.
    • Almost 24% are on a church staff. 11% of you “formerly” served in church leadership…interesting.
    • 60% attend 1-2 conferences a year.
    • You love to read! Almost 33% read twenty books or more annually.
    • A surprising 31% of you don’t blog, but are active on Facebook (89.7%) and Twitter (71.1%)
    • 36% read new posts as soon as they are up, and 52% “usually” read them.
    • About half of you are new – have been around for under six months, but almost 29% have been reading for at least a year, if not two or three.
    • Most people get their posts through RSS (51%) and found because of someone’s blogroll (29%) or an article I wrote (21%)
    • THANK YOU to the 62% who have recommended something on to a friend!
    • Your favorite topics? Social Justice, Compassion International trips and other travel, controversial/taboo topics, women and leadership, honest struggles, church life, burnout, depression, anxiety, book reviews, spiritual revelations and videos.

    What do you think? Any surprises? Anything you’d like to add?

    Thank you all for helping…it was really insightful!


  • QUICK READER POLL – Help Shape This Blog!


    During this blogging down time, I will probably sporadically update but it won’t be consistent. Brad is in the process of redesigning the look and functionality, and in order to make this the best experience for you, I would LOVE for you to take a quick Reader Survey.

    I shamelessly stole this idea (and most of the questions) from my friend Mike Hyatt. It’s around 20 questions and most are multiple choice. It should take you just a minute to complete and will provide me with valuable information to make even more applicable and encouraging to you.

    If you take the survey, leave a comment and be entered in a contest to win an autographed copy of Mad Church Disease (which, by the way, if you have ordered or won any in the last two weeks, I am doing my best to find them. They are still packed from our move and as soon as I unpack them, will ship them out to you!)



  • Taking Another Blogging & Twitter Break

    At least for a little while. Be back soon.

    Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure. – Henri Nouwen


  • BOOK GIVEAWAY – 200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One


    One of the ?second opinions? in Mad Church Disease was written by my friends Shawn Wood. I met Shawn at a conference three years ago. Shawn did a talk called ?Brand Schizophrenia? which he ended with what he called ?the artist?s mandate.” The mandate was pretty simple and as an artist right up my alley.

    Here is how Shawn puts it: We are all artists (Moms, web developers, baseball players, single dads, CEOs, Authors, Pastors etc.) and we have a mandate from God to be Great at the art we produce. The mandate is simply living a life of influence and meaning in a way that will affect others and leave a legacy that all shines back to the master artist that saved us all – Jesus.

    There was a publisher at that conference and that simple mandate turned into a book that encourages everyone to be artists called 200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One.

    Shawn is a story teller. It?s a great story. I like great stories. So, I wanted to give away ten copies of a great story.

    As with all book giveaways I would love to give you all one, but alas I only have a limited number?so here is how you can win.

    Leave a comment to this post with your favorite book that we should all be reading this summer and a few of you will get the chance to have a autographed copy of 200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One sent your way soon!

    Use Tweet This below to double your chances!


    Shawn?s second book Wasabi Gospel comes out in August and I heard a rumor that he is setting up a book bomb and blog tour for July 8, 2009 – contact him at if you want score a free copy of Wasabi Gospel (and an advance digital copy to boot) by being a part of the tour! Only 100 free books available so act fast!


  • BOOK GIVEAWAY: From Eternity to Here

    Every once in a while, you’ll stumble on an author who makes you say, “That’s exactly what I’ve been feeling!” Someone, somewhere found the ability and artistry to take an emotion and name it. But not only do they label it, they expound on it. Where did this emotion come from? What does it mean? Where is it taking me? What should I do with it?

    But perhaps more profound is the experience of community. You realize you’re not alone in feeling or thinking a particular way.

    You’re not going crazy.

    And if you are, at least someone’s going there with you.

    Such is the case with my friend Frank Viola. Eons ago (in social media world, that translates into about six months), Frank sent me a message on Facebook, humbly introducing himself. As if I didn’t already know who he was and didn’t already devour every word he and George Barna wrote in the book Pagan Christianity. Still, I tried to play it cool.

    eternity_9kb1He had a new book releasing called From Eternity to Here and wanted to know if I’d take a look. I told him I needed to think about it. I was scared. Pagan Christianity messed me up enough and because I was in a busy season of life, I couldn’t afford to lose my sanity. He sent it anyway, and I waited until just recently to read it.

    Frank writes with a style you almost wouldn’t expect. Very very smart people with lots of letters after their name review and discuss his work and use lots of Greek words I kind of remember from the one Bible class I took ten years ago. I was intimated. I didn’t need to be.

    Poetically, thought-provokingly, and, as the academics would say, very very smartly Frank unfolds the story of God’s heartbeat. His mission. His love.

    One of my favorite takeaways from From Eternity to Here says this about Mary of Magdala.

    “Indeed, Mary of Magdala is a study in undying love. I ask you: What provoked such unending devotion? It was simply this: Mary believed the Lord’s opinion of her. She took His opinion of herself rather than her own. In doing so, love was awakened within her own heart for Christ…

    Therefore, the next time you feel condemnation over your past, please remember this one thing: The first person to lay eyes upon the resurrected Lord was a former prostitute.

    God chose Mary Magdalene from the foundation of the world, knowing the kind of life she would live. And He chose you and me from the foundation of the world, knowing full well all the mistakes we would make this side of the veil.

    You have a Lord who wishes to cherish you. Neither your fallen nature nor your sins are an obstacle for Him. He has dealt with them thoroughly, completely, and willingly by His death and resurrection.

    Never forget: This God of yours allowed a prostitute to love Him extravagantly in the house of a Pharisee. Such is the wonder of the sacred romance into which every believer has been swept up. So go in peace, and love your Lord like Mary did.”

    Dang, y’all.

    I asked Frank if I could give ten copies of From Eternity to Here away for our Thursday book giveaway, to which he kindly complied. Assuming you didn’t already click on the link and buy it yourself, here’s how you can win.

    To be entered, leave a comment with something you’ve always wondered (For example, mine would be “Am I the only one who wonders why blog posts on missions or social justice don’t get half the traffic of a book giveaway post?”) – and be entered. I?ll pick winners next Thursday and they shall be notified via electronic post. (That?s email). Use the TWEET THIS button below to earn double credit.

    So…what do you wonder?
