Category: Beating Burnout

  • Spring Cleaning Sale!

    Spring Cleaning Sale!

    Spring Cleaning Sale!

    Spring is HERE!

    Instead of worrying about cleaning those dust bunnies,
    do a little soul-cleaning instead.

    In this HUGE bundle, you’ll get (for 50% off!)

    Mad Church Disease: Healing from Church Burnout – Updated and Expanded Edition (Both paperback AND eBook – PDF, epub (Kindle), and .mobi (iPad, Nook))

    Awarded the Outreach Magazine Vital Church Award, using anecdotal parallels between Mad Cow Disease and leadership trends in the church, Anne writes not only to help us realize what church leaders are facing, but also to provide practical and positive treatment plans. Mad Church Disease is a lively, informative, and potentially life-saving resource for anyone in ministry–vocational or volunteer–who would like to understand, prevent, or treat the epidemic of burnout in church.

    Beating Burnout: A 30 Day Guide to Hope & Health: You get ALL FOUR types of books (paperback AND eBook -PDF, epub (Kindle), and .mobi (iPad, Nook)) PLUS a FREE audio book of all the devotionals!

    This 30-day devotional will help you begin your day resting in the power of Christ. Starting our days focused on our relationship with God is essential to staying healthy in ministry. Each week focuses a day on rest, spiritual health, physical health, emotional health, relational health and prayer.

    Usually $50.00
    Now only $25.00 + S/H

    [add_to_cart item=”pbspring” quantity=”user:1″ ]

  • Wanting God in the Midst of Imperfect and Crazy

    Today I’ve asked my sweet friend Lisa to share on my blog. Because she has good things to say. Good things that resonate with my heart and soul and challenge me and beat me up in the best way. My life is usually crazy and always imperfect and I can choose to either embrace it with a bitter heart and want it all to be easy or I can want God. Lisa talks about this in her new book I Want God  and gives us a little glimpse of how deep this message goes in today’s blog post. I hope you love it!


    I will never forget the day in college when my friend asks me to describe God, the way I see Him.

    It catches me off-guard, this question I have never been asked before.

    Sitting on the cold, community laundry room floor, I answer, in a clumsy, pedestrian way that is small, but honest.

    “I think He has nice eyes,” I say, my own filling with tears.

    I’m much older now and my college days seem far away, but I still picture this same Jesus.  I’ve learned and grown and studied since then and yet, it is what about Him, I see.

    I know He is big.  I know He is all powerful and holy and can take me out in one breath.  And yet, He is everyday to me.  He is lover.  He is best friend.  He is humble and perfect and laughs at my quirks and wipes my tears with fingers I can’t see.

    And as His Church gets bigger and glossier and the craziness of making celebrities out of people who preach is the constant pull, I often retreat into my thoughts of who God is and what He is all about before I, myself, go mad.

    And it always makes me want Him.  Just Him.  It is where I find rest.

    [Tweet ““The only way I know to get better is to focus on God harder.” ~Lisa Whittle, I Want God”]

    It’s not just the world and the Church that drives me crazy.  It’s me, too.  It’s my own stubbornness and need to be valued and the mental war of wanting God to make sense but knowing He likely won’t.  It’s the constant rub of wanting to be comfortable and yet, the desire to throw my contented life out the window so I can do the brave, big thing.

    And right before I get too disillusioned, ready to throw in the towel I remember these things:

    • It is the wanting of God more than anything else, His power within us that makes us brave.
    • It is wanting God most that helps us love, keeps us together and keeps us humble.
    • It is the wanting of God that will drive us to stay the course, keep it real, accept ourselves, dive in, even when it’s hard and unclear.

    The world will always be crazy.  The Church will sometimes get it wrong.  We will war with our flesh that tells us to be noticed and famous and our spirit that reminds us to become less – passionate to live our dreams one day, scared to death to move at all, the next.

    But we can choose God.  We can pursue God.  We can long for God and lock eyes with Him.

    And it will keep us sane.  And steady.  And ready for the day we can ditch all this imperfect mess and not want anything else anymore.


    Lisa Whittle is an author and speaker, a lover of God, family, and the Church. Her high anticipated 4th book, I Want God: Forever Changed by the Revival of Your Soul, will release October 1. Lisa’s honest, bottom line approach is her trademark, as she points people to a passionate pursuit of God. In addition to speaking, media appearances and writing for Women of Faith, Catalyst, Relevant and various other publications, Lisa has done master’s work in Marriage and Family and is a part of the MOB [Mothers of Boys] Society writing team. Lisa is a wife and mother of three, plus one fluffy dog, residing in North Carolina. You can find her on Facebook, follow her on Instagram, Twitter [@LisaRWhittle] or Pinterest, and visit her ministry community at

  • Summer Reading Fun!

    Get all three of my books autographed & delivered to your door before you head out for your vacation

    (or curl up for your staycation!)




    Mad Church Disease: Healing from Church Burnout
    Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession and Grace
    Beating Burnout: A 30 Day Guide to Hope and Health
    for only $30 + S/H

    [add_to_cart item=”3BB” quantity=”user:1″ ]

    All proceeds go directly to support our ministry efforts!



  • Beating Burnout Interview with Dr. Thom Rainer #5: Preventing Burnout

    I hope you’ve enjoyed this little video series with Dr. Thom Rainer, president of Lifeway. This is our fifth and final interview (and keep in mind, there was only supposed to be one video that emerged from our conference room chat…his insight is just so good and his heart is full of compassion, I’m so pleased we got five!)

    In this one, we discuss the root of burnout and how to prevent it spiritually, emotionally and physically.

    If you’ve missed any of the previous videos (which range from 3-6 minutes long), you can watch them:

    1) Beginnings of Burnout

    2) The Roles of Millennials and Mentoring in Stopping Burnout

    3) When Do You Quit?

    4) Symptoms of Burnout

    5) Preventing Burnout

    This is also the last week you can get Beating Burnout: A 30 Day Guide to Hope and Health on Amazon for 2.99 WITH a free audio book (after you email your receipt to me). You can also preorder the paperback over here! (If Amazon takes care of business, they’ll go out  next week!)


    Praying you guys have a healthy weekend,


  • Beating Burnout Interview with Dr. Thom Rainer #4: Burnout Symptoms

    In 2005, I found myself in a hospital totally burned out. At the time, I didn’t know it was burnout but after a week of (invasive, ahem) tests, they ruled out any disease. I was overweight, emotionally unstable, and isolated.

    Dr. Rainer and I talk about some burnout symptoms and how he almost got to a point of burning out himself.

    One of the most important questions I’ve ever been asked: “Does working in this church interfere with your communion with Christ” still influences me today.

    Check out today’s interview with Dr. Thom Rainer of LifeWay for Beating Burnout: A 30 Day Guide to Hope and Health (which is on sale at Amazon for just 2.99 through Friday or you can preorder the paperback here!)


  • Beating Burnout Interview with Dr. Thom Rainer #3: When Do You Quit?

    It’s a short one but a good one.

    How do you know if you’re supposed to leave serving at your particular church?

    How do you know if you should stay?

    How do you deal with the expectations others have on you?

    How do you keep an attitude of joy even when you’re faced with tough challenges?

    Check out today’s interview with Dr. Thom Rainer of LifeWay for Beating Burnout: A 30 Day Guide to Hope and Health (which is on sale at Amazon for just 2.99 through Friday or you can preorder the paperback here!)


  • Beating Burnout Interview with Dr. Thom Rainer #2: Millennials and Mentoring

    How do you ask for mentoring or help when you’re burning out? Will the trends of programs and burnout continue happening in the church? What makes Dr. Thom Rainer “obnoxiously optimistic” about the church?

    Here’s part two of the interview I did with him.


  • Beating Burnout Interview #1 with Dr. Thom Rainer – Beginnings of Burnout

    A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Dr. Thom Rainer, President of LifeWay Resources, and discuss burnout. 

    Before heading into the interview, I never met Dr. Rainer. And I painted an image in my mind of a very Type-A, CEO, workaholic type guy. Why did I want to talk to him about burnout?

    He leads thousands of employees…surely he must be on the brink of burnout himself.

    But, I knew that for over the last year, I consistently saw him share information and write on staying healthy in church ministry – paid or not. Just being in church. The duality between my assumptions of him and the things I knew he shared intrigued me.

    Well, color me embarrassed. The adage about assuming was true for me. Dr. Rainer was kind, vulnerable (as you will see from the videos this week), and his heart for pastors and the church just emanates from him. What was one interview turned into five. His wisdom and compassion is just so good, and so needed.

    This is the first of five videos I’ll share with you this week.

    We talk about the beginnings of burnout, how someone intervened for him when he could have gone down that road, and the big question: how do you approach someone you think is burning out?

    I hope he insight adds a little encouragement into your life today!

    You can find resources on burnout on my website, including Beating Burnout: A 30-Day Guide to Hope and Health that released last week.

    It found a home at the #1 spot in devotionals on Amazon for a few days, and I’m so grateful to those of you who believe in the book, its message, and want to get healthy! If you want to get it on Amazon, just email me the receipt and I’ll send you the free audio book!

    Hope and Health,



  • Have a Prayer Request? Let Us Pray for You This Weekend

    It’s been a crazy week: Lingering flu symptoms, a sick puppy, and a book launch as well as a big editing project due, and finishing up the manuscript for the expanded edition of Mad Church Disease. Not to mention the 50-something emails I need to reply to since I got sick at the beginning of the year. (Sorry if that’s you. I’m working on it!)

    The sick puppy & The sick me on Wednesday.
    the sick puppy & the sick me on Wednesday.

    When crazy weeks happen, it’s difficult for me to follow my own advice and rest. We’ve recently implemented a no-phone-but-for-texting-or-calls rule after 5 pm in our house, but I still pop on my computer and, being the analytical person I am, research my stats, my numbers, (which Beating Burnout did hit #1 on Amazon in the devotional category! Thank you!) and honestly, I can get wrapped up into it like a game.

    The numbers go up, I’m happy. Down, I’m discouraged.

    And that’s not cool.

    So, I hereby make the proclamation that I will not look at numbers this weekend (baby steps!). 

    When I’m too turned in, I need to turn out and refocus. Gain perspective. Connect with God and others.

    Occasionally on Fridays, I’ll do “Friday Prayer.”

    So please, take this opportunity to leave anything on your heart we can pray for in the comments below. And I promise to go through them this weekend and pray for them, each and every one.

    I’m grateful for you.

    I know blogging and social media is weird and it’s noisy and even I confess I get caught up in the excitement of things and numbers that, in the long run, don’t really matter. For that, I apologize.

    But I can say with all the integrity of my heart that your words and your prayers are so special to me. I can only hope to be a blessing to you like you are to me.

    And I’d love to pray and celebrate with you this weekend.

    Much love,
