Anne Jackson is Gone

Anne Jackson is gone.

You’re reading this entry on, but I’m no longer Anne Jackson. On March 8, 2013, on Sandy Beach in Oahu, my best friend Tim Miller and I got married.


It is a story unexpected, full of surprises and whimsy and ultimately an incredibly strong bond through our love for Christ, sharing that love with others, vulnerability, community, the Church, the lost, and the forgotten. We are presently working on a video that tells that story so others can see something that only God can do. The last year and a half of my journey has been full of joy and redemption I never imagined possible…but I guess in some ways, that kind of love and mercy Christ shows is what we should expect (Ephesians 3:20).

Since being off the social media grid the last two years, inevitably “Anne Jackson” the author/blogger/social media persona that would pop up in your feeds went dark, disappeared, and fell off the radar with intent and gratefulness to be able to have that season in order to heal, replenish and prepare for this new season.

Don’t think my little ego hasn’t taken a little ding, however. I am human. A human who wants to be known.

One of the most recent lessons I’ve been learning is about faith and trust and expectancy. Instead of giving up coffee or chocolate or wine for lent, I gave up my desire to control and to act out of that control. On a farm in South Georgia a month and a half ago, I got called to the carpet by a 70-year old farmer who was a strong match to my stubbornness when it came to my lack of faith that God does show up and he will act according to his purpose. This subplot ended with a list of those things which entangle my spirit which were burned and set free as I claimed the freedom of a sound mind promised to all those who believe.

I still have another book to write. Half of it is due a month from tomorrow. As Tim, myself, and my publishing team at Thomas Nelson sat down in December, we discussed the pros and cons of changing my name from what it has always been known as online and on books – Anne Jackson – to my new name: Anne Miller…but…if we were going to change it, why not go all out? We polled our friends and using my middle name (Marie) in addition to Anne Miller, won out 99% of the time.

So my pen name and all that comes with it will be just that, Anne Marie Miller.

But what about those people who only know “Anne Jackson”? How will they find out? Is it a bad career move?

My heart and gut say to go with it. Though “Anne Jackson” is the name some people know, it is just a name. It is time for me to shed the skin that held much love and heartache and enjoy wearing this new one which is full of new life and adventure. I am a different person now…hopefully one who is a little more mature in her faith and loving in her heart. The seasons past have changed the voice with which I write.

No, I am not guaranteed the massive followings my old FlowerDust days once had, but then again, I’m not even guaranteed this next breath. It’s an exercise in faith and trust and expectancy. God will do what He wants with this next season. And because of his faithfulness in the past, the anticipation and excitement far outweigh any fear or anxiety.

He is God, and He is good.

Much love,

Anne Marie Miller

You can follow me: TwitterInstagramFacebook

You can follow Tim: TwitterInstagramFacebook

PS – I’ve opened commenting back up on this website…social media has changed so much in the last two years I don’t even know if people comment anymore. Also, if you feel the urge to help spread the news that I am back online, it would be much appreciated. I know I can’t do this alone! Later this year the old FlowerDust blog along with this one will relaunch under a new domain to help tie it all together.